
Is there supposed to be...uh facetracking in this facetracking app?

  • Clayton Barton

    Clayton Barton - 2023-01-14

    Love that I had to pay for this just to find out it doesnt work in any sense of being called "facetrack" "Face Pose". Seriously wtf! it's tracking my eyes.

    Faceposeapp doesn't work as a webcam source wtf!

    I've not only wasted money(small amount) but hours trying to get this to work and it maybe provides basic HEAD tracking not face tracking, not face mapping, not facial poses.

    Am I missing something or is this just not doing anything that it said it would?

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2023-01-15

    Hello Clayton,

    The Visage tracker, which is the engine of FacePoseApp, tracks some 20 facial points to determine the position of the head (and face). This headpose (consisting of 6 numbers, representing the 6 'degrees of freedom') is sent to FaceTrackNoIR. For simplicity, only the position of the eyes is indicated in the video.

    In fact, this is precisely the same functionality as that of the webcam-trackers. The large advantage of FacePoseApp is that the tracking (which is a CPU-intense job) is done by the smartphone instead of the PC.

    You are correct: FacePoseApp does not 'work as a webcam source'. If you can show me the info you read which states this, then maybe I can correct it.


    Last edit: Wim Vriend 2023-01-15
  • Clayton Barton

    Clayton Barton - 2023-01-16

    It really seems implied by the titles and description that it would provide facial info nevermind head positional info and is just about intentionally deceiving and predatory.

    The video feed from the phone isn't shown in facetracknoir just movement of the 2d image. if it is doing facial points why arent they displayed in facetracknoir like all of the description images.

    "In fact, this is precisely the same functionality as that of the webcam-trackers."
    This is nothing more than a headtracker that I had to pay for to find out that it was only that.
    freetrack(which this utilizes and monetizes) and a webcam does exactly the same thing for absolutely free.

    I figured if its already taking a video feed you would be able to give programs access to it in one form or another, like if say it isn't doing any facial tracking at least you could send the video feed to another program to use it.


    Last edit: Clayton Barton 2023-01-16
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2023-01-17

    I'm sorry that you are not satisfied with the fact that FacePoseApp only sends the resulting 6DOF (from the Visage face-tracker) to FaceTrackNoIR and no other info. From performance point-of-view this seemed the most efficient solution to me.

    When you are flying in your simulator (or playing another game with headtracking) you would probably not be interested in all facial points the tracker uses IMO.


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