
Error code -2?

  • Adr

    Adr - 2017-11-16

    I paid a few dollars for FTNIR, but FaceAPI doesn't work at all. There's only the one webcam, it's a pretty good action camera that you can use as a PC camera. It gets picked up by ManyCam no problem. Attached is a screenshot of the best i can get, but for some reason the engine running FaceAPI doesn't want to load. Help?

    I was finally able to get a screenshot of API error code - 2. I'm not sure what that means. I can't find anything about it.


    Last edit: Adr 2017-11-16
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2017-11-17

    Hi Adr,

    "-2"? that's a new one... the documentation says "Invalid parameter", which does not clarify the problem... Since you see an image, most of the engine seems to work fine.

    Usually, when the yellow lines do not appear the engine only has trouble finding your face (mostly due to bad light).

    This does not seem to be the case here though. Do you have another PC you can try it on, maybe with another webcam? It could be some codec or filter issue...


    Last edit: Wim Vriend 2017-11-17
  • Adr

    Adr - 2017-11-17

    Hi Wim,
    It's very strange, and I don't have an image right at present, but after a reboot, I was able to get the Facetrack API to recognize my face. Once, and not more than that. Stopping the tracker, whether to adjust parameters, or just to try some more testing and re-starting it seems to cause it to hang while initializing. It picks up the image from the webcam, but then it just quits doing anything for some reason.

    There's not really another PC or webcam I can try.  I'll try some more testing, and report back.

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