
Can't get FaceTrackNoIR / faceAPI working

  • Daniel O'Connor

    Daniel O'Connor - 2014-10-10

    I tried and it worked once but I can’t replicate it any more :(
    I downloaded the latest Face API demo ( and that works perfectly

    When I run FaceTrackNoIR and click on the FaceAPI settings I can’t start the engine. When I click ‘Start’ it just stays at ‘Terminated’. The bundled demo (FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe) just shows the help text and a black screen.

    It is doubly frustrating as it DID work once but not again (I didn’t install anything between working/not working either).

    Is there a log file or some debugging option I can set to try and gather some more information?


    Daniel O'Connor
    "The nice thing about standards is that there
    are so many of them to choose from."
    -- Andrew Tanenbaum
    GPG Fingerprint - 5596 B766 97C0 0E94 4347 295E E593 DC20 7B3F CE8C

    • Daniel O'Connor

      Daniel O'Connor - 2014-10-10

      On 10 Oct 2014, at 10:36, O'Connor, Daniel wrote:

      When I run FaceTrackNoIR and click on the FaceAPI settings I can’t start the engine. When I click ‘Start’ it just stays at ‘Terminated’. The bundled demo (FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe) just shows the help text and a black screen.

      Oops, I forgot to click ‘Start’ in the main window before clicking on Settings. It just says ‘INITIALIZING’.

      The LED on the camera is on so it is being accessed.

      Also I note that if I run the demo app when FaceTrackNoIR is already running it closes straight away (so presumably it knows the camera is in use).

      Daniel O'Connor
      "The nice thing about standards is that there
      are so many of them to choose from."
      -- Andrew Tanenbaum
      GPG Fingerprint - 5596 B766 97C0 0E94 4347 295E E593 DC20 7B3F CE8C

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2014-10-10

    Do you have any bright light sources to the back of you, like a window or a bright lamp? or maybe to the side of you? Whoop's, I forgot to ask, are you not seeing the video feed yet? or are you seeing it and FaceTrackNoIR is just not "painting" the mask on your face? Hope you can get it fixed, that tracker used to be all that I used until the PointTracker option came about.



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