
faceAPI service terminated within app, starting faceAPI manually works

  • Gordon Kuzet

    Gordon Kuzet - 2020-09-09


    This has been discussed before, but I can not find a solution.

    THe FaceTrackNoIR app does nto invoke the faceAPI V3.2.5 (service is terminated), and can not be started.

    Exiting the app and then starting the FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE manually shows the camera works with it.

    So there is a bug or disconnet between the faceAPI V3.2.6 and FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE service.

    How can this be fixed?

    Running windows 10 Pro and yes I had run the app in admin mode, reinstalled codecs as admin, no joy.


  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-09-11

    Hello Gordon,

    So when you start faceAPI manually, it works: that is a good thing.

    When you press the START button of FaceTrackNoIR, does the FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe not start automatically?

  • Gordon Kuzet

    Gordon Kuzet - 2020-09-12

    When I press start nothing happens, the process state is still terminated, so here is no autostart,

    Also as a test, pressing camera button does nothing.

    So this could be a Windows 10 issue, unfortunatley I must move on and look for another product, as I ran out of patience. The purchase was refunded.

    I hope you will find a solution eventually.

    If you wish me to try a beta for you, happy to participate in the future.


    Last edit: Gordon Kuzet 2020-09-12
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-09-12

    Hello Gordon,

    Actually, the faceAPI tracker plugin is very old and cannot be tweaked (since development was cancelled a long time ago)

    To 'move on' and to also relieve the CPU-load of your gaming PC, we have developed FacePoseApp. We anticipate that the Visage tracker which powers FacePoseApp will improve in upcoming releases, since Visage is very actively developing it!


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