
FaceTrackNoIR v2.0.0 - FaceAPI engine state: Terminated or Error: -13

  • Cy

    Cy - 2016-09-30


    I'm running FaceTrackNoIR v2.0.0 and have installed the plugin pack. The program itself starts fine and point tracking works but when I switch to use FaceAPI as the source nothing happens.

    Looking at the settings for FaceAPI shows "Engine state: TERMINATED" and I am unable to get it running.

    I've also initiated FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe from the command line which gives error -13.

    I've tried everything I have seen on the forum so any more guidance would be really, really welcome!

    So far, I've tried:
    installing / uninstalling
    installing everything with Admin rights
    running everything with Admin rights
    using ManyCAM as a source
    using two different webcams (MS LifeCam Cinema and Logitech Quick Cam Communicate)
    checked and repaired codec errors using Codec Tweak Tool 6.1.0
    installed and ran the Face API demo which gives Error Failed to read friendly name: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    System info:
    Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit SP1
    Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz
    8GB DDR3
    512MB NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT (latest drivers)

    Any guidance would be really, really welcome!

    Many thanks


  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2016-09-30

    Hi Cy,

    If you use manyCam, do you get video?

  • Cy

    Cy - 2016-10-03

    Hi Vim

    thanks very much for getting back to me, sorry for my delay.

    I get video with all sources (webcams directly or via ManyCam) for use with point tracking but FaceAPI will not work with any of them. I hope that helps!



  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2016-10-23

    Hello Cy, can you give us a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR when you hit start? This may give me an idea of if you have adaquate lighting on your face, if that would actually be the problem or not, I don't know.


  • Reinhold Maehler


    I have the same problem. W10, Logitech c920. FTnoIR2.0. Plugins installed. If I hit start there is 2 errors. I dont know what to do. Screenshots below on my onedrive.
    link to pictures!Arr5tsi4YUs1hZEtvNN25qKu36viEw


    Last edit: Reinhold Maehler 2016-12-24
  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2016-12-25

    I know there used to be a solution found in either in the FAQ or there about. I don't have the time to look for it at the moment, but I should be back in about 2 hours, so I can try and look it up for you then.


  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2016-12-25

    Try the following solution(s) under the "IPP runtime related error(s):" title at . I hope that helps, it talks about installing FaceTrackNoIR v1.6, but I don't think there should be any problems with over writing any files because v2.0 actually installs to it's own directory. Wim will need to verify that though, because I'm unsure about anything writing to the registry. Maybe what should be done is after verifying that v1.6 works, you would go ahead and reinstall v2.0, or that is what I would do anyway I think. One thing I didn't do was to search the forums for a solution to your problem for anyone getting this error with v2.0.



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