quicksorterrors - 2015-03-20

Hello guys,

sometimes I feel like skynet has taken over.

So faceAPI cant load its engine. Maybe you guys can Help me here is the log:

LOGFILE BEGIN: Fr 20. Mrz 12:20:23 2015
(0.000)<6912>Debug::Private::DebugLogger::logBuildMode : Build mode is: RELEASE
(0.000)<6912>Debug::enableLoggingToFile : Logging to file is enabled
(0.001)<Main(6912)>Thread::ThreadRegistry::registerThisThread : Thread "Main" has started (id=6912)
(0.005)<Main(6912)>Debug::Private::DebugLogger::moveLogfile : Attempting to move logfile to the directory: C:/Users/Felix Media/AppData/Roaming/Seeing Machines/HeadTrackingDemo/Run Logs/runlog_2015-03-20-12_20_23.txt
(0.006)<Main(6912)>Debug::Private::DebugLogger::moveLogfile : Moved logfile ok
(0.007)<Main(6912)>Debug::Private::DebugLogger::cleanupLogfileDir : Removing old logfile: runlog_2015-03-20-11_57_15.txt
(0.019)<Main(6912)>mainProxy : HeadTrackingDemo (faceAPI NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY)
(0.019)<Main(6912)>mainProxy : CPU Core Summary:
Hyper-Threading Technology: ENABLED
Multi-Core: Y
Multi-Processor: N
Total Physical CPUs: 1
Total Available Cores: 4
Total Logical CPUS: 8
Multi-core Capabililty : 8 core(s) per physical CPU package
HT Capability: 2 logical processor(s) per core
Not all cores in the system are enabled for this application.
Relationships between OS affinity mask, Initial APIC ID, and 3-level sub-IDs:
AffinityMask = 1; Initial APIC = 0; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 0, SMT ID = 0
AffinityMask = 2; Initial APIC = 1; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 0, SMT ID = 1
AffinityMask = 4; Initial APIC = 2; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 2, SMT ID = 0
AffinityMask = 8; Initial APIC = 3; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 2, SMT ID = 1
AffinityMask = 16; Initial APIC = 4; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 4, SMT ID = 0
AffinityMask = 32; Initial APIC = 5; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 4, SMT ID = 1
AffinityMask = 64; Initial APIC = 6; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 6, SMT ID = 0
AffinityMask = 128; Initial APIC = 7; Physical ID = 0, Core ID = 6, SMT ID = 1
(1.771)<Main(6912)>DirectShow::Private::DirectShowFilterFactory::cameraFilterOk : Camera ok: SPEEDLINK REFLECT
(1.781)<Main(6912)>DirectShow::Private::DirectShowFilterFactory::cameraFilterOk : Camera ok: Dxtory Video 1
(1.795)<Main(6912)>DirectShow::Private::DirectShowFilterFactory::cameraFilterOk : Camera ok: Dxtory Video 2
(1.812)<Main(6912)>DirectShow::Private::DirectShowFilterFactory::cameraFilterOk : Camera ok: Dxtory Video 3
(1.826)<Main(6912)>DirectShow::Private::DirectShowFilterFactory::cameraFilterOk : Camera ok: Dxtory Video 4
(3.665)<Main(6912)>CameraPack::CameraFactory::createNewCamera : Making new Camera of type: DirectShowCamera model: SPEEDLINK REFLECT(0)
(3.665)<Main(6912)>CameraPack::CameraFactory::createLensParameters : Focal length in pixels (from approx horiz fov):-614.714294
(3.667)<Main(6912)>VideoSourcePack::DirectShowVideoSource::setVideoFormat : Using DirectShow format: Resolution: [640, 480] Frame-rate: 30 Media type: YUY2 to create image type YUY2
(3.670)<Main(6912)>DirectShow::Private::queryCameraPropertyInfo : WARNING: The property Colour in property set VideoProcAmp is not supported