
Ftnoirfaceapi.exe process not ending

  • murat

    murat - 2013-01-01

    hi! i am new user of this program. everything works great when i am using program with fsx but when i wanted to stop it ftnoir_face_api.exe doesnt end process. i tried lots of thing to end it but not worked.i cannot restart or close computer without manually because of working process.
    i am using win7 64bit ultimate. logitech c310
    thank you for the program. working good for me but not ending:( i dont want to use buttons to restart or close computer.


    Last edit: murat 2013-01-01
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-01-02

    Hello murat,

    That's really strange, because the exe should terminate itself, when it sees that the connection with FaceTrackNoIR was lost (for a few minutes). A handshake in the protocol should take care of that.

    Also, when Stop is pressed, the exe should get a notification of this...
    Do you run FaceTrackNoIR 'As Administrator'?

  • murat

    murat - 2013-01-02

    yes i always run aplication as admin. whenever i wanted to stop program my faceapi image leftside freezes and after that period i cant use my camera too.
    but if i run facetracnoir stand alone there were no problem when it closed.
    thank you for reply.

  • murat

    murat - 2013-01-03

    maybe i have to wait 1.7 version which is soon to be released.


    Last edit: murat 2013-01-03
  • orthecreedence

    orthecreedence - 2013-03-02

    I'm having this problem as well, in both v1.6 and v1.7. Here's how I can reproduce:

    I open FTNoIR, with FaceAPI selected. I hit "Start" and go into any game (doesn't seem to matter if I use FreeTrack or TrackIR protocol). Play the game for a while (tested with both Arma2 and Cliffs of Dover), and when I come out of the game, I hit "Stop" in FTNoIR. The interface freezes, and the FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe process stays running.

    At this point, I can kill FTNoIR via the task manager, but all attempts to force FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE fail. It also hijacks the camera, making it impossible to start FTNoIR again if I want to play another game. Also, after force closing the FTNoIR interface, the FaceAPI exe stays open does not time out. The only solution I've found is to restart the computer (which doesn't even fully work, because Windows waits indefinitely for the FaceAPI exe to close, so I inevitably have to hit the reset button).

    What's odd is if I open FTNoIR, hit "start," never open a game, and hit "stop," the process ends just fine. So it seems something to have to do with sending data into a game is causing the FaceAPI to freeze.

    I'm on Windows 7 x64, my webcam is a Logitech C310 (latest drivers), and as I mentioned, I tried versions 1.6 and 1.7, both with the same problem. I tried running as admin/normal user, same problem. Tried unplugging the webcam and plugging back in after the freeze...the light goes off (and stays off) but I'm still unable to do face tracking after that (I think the camera signal is still being hogged by the rogue exe).

    I wonder if the camera itself is causing the freeze, since the problem seems to vary platform to platform.

    That aside, this is a really awesome program. I was ready to shell out some dough for TrackIR, but I'm glad I did more research, because I was able to slap an old webcam on my monitor and start head tracking. Excellent work!!

    EDIT: Just noticed the original poster has the same webcam as me. Coincidence ;)? Please let me know if there's any way to get diagnostic information that might help you track down the problem.


    Last edit: orthecreedence 2013-03-02
  • orthecreedence

    orthecreedence - 2013-03-02

    UPDATE: Uninstalled the Logitech driver, now using the generic Windows 7 webcam driver. FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe exits just fine after playing in-game then hitting "stop." Must be a Logitech driver issue. Good thing I can easily live with out it.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-03-03

    Hi orthecreedence,

    Thanks for reporting your solution. I hope it also works for others, who are experiencing this issue. Made it Sticky!


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