CPoky - 2017-02-06

FIXED !!! Could be 2 solutions #1 XBOX DVR...another game pointed out before I started XBOX DVR could give slow frame rates. So I followed the link directions to disable it (just google it should come right up) OR it could be how I reinstalled FTNoIR (after disabling the XBOX DVR) #2 (all done Run As Administrator) Installed v200, downed/click dragged Fix 1 FreeTrack protocal bugfix & Fix 2 UDP tracker upgrade/bugfix, Plugin-Pack v200....all this from main FaceTrackNoir site. And last the Plugin-Pack v201 for this site. Started and got a few BSOD for irql not less or equal do to glavcam.sys but after removing from Devices and Printers and reinstalling cam driver....IT WORKS. But I HONESTLY believe it was the XBOX DVR


Last edit: CPoky 2017-02-07