David Ronaldson - 2013-03-07

At the getgo, let me say I'm a lifelong commercial pilot with several thousand hours and am using FSX and Rise of Flight. Still a bit clumsy with the start sequence but that'll come. My Logitech C310 says don't use HD -720p for headtracking. After scouring the web for suggestions on curve settings, I'm now fairly stable on routine, slow headmovement areas of flight but, when it comes to landing - short final where you're trying to line up with that skinny FSX runway, it's a whole different story. Perhaps it comes from only being able to watch the skinny runway whatever, this new ability to have some peripheral vision puts my head/eyes on a swivel left, right and panel - normal in a landing approach. The software can't keep up and, much as I hate to say it, right then I was wishing for a kill switch.