
F1 2012 facetracknoir problem

  • Headcase

    Headcase - 2013-07-25

    Hi i'm having a few problems with facetracknoir and f1 2012, now i know facetrack 1.70 is working fine i use it in my flight sims like bms 4.32 , i also have a 3 point cap and use free track that works with all the above games, so heres the problem i get no head movement in the seat of the f1 car when running facetrack 1.70, ive trackir fixed the game, and now im running out of ideas , any help would be great thanks. i use the free track 2.0 protocol??

  • Stanisław Halik

    Undo the fixing. FT 2.0 protocol in 1.7 is known to work without memory hacks and in fact, conflicts with them.

  • Headcase

    Headcase - 2013-07-26

    Hi if i was a person that very clueless about all this type off stuff ? :)
    how would i undo the face track fixer ? many thanks

  • Stanisław Halik

    There should be an executable backup if you modified it. If not, reinstall the game.

  • Headcase

    Headcase - 2013-07-26

    I cant see one sorry, dont want to reinstall game due to being in season and i cant even find my saved profile/saved data.. ill just stick to free track for a bit thanks anyway.

  • Headcase

    Headcase - 2013-07-26

    Right I got it working I found the backup file. All is fine but its very jumpy in cockpit. And if I keep my head still it drifts left and right. Is it possible to make a deadzone of sorts ? Thanks in advance.

  • Stanisław Halik

    Use the Accela filter with an elliptic curve for rotation... If you select it, the software should select a default curve of sorts. Also ensure your model is accurate.


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