
Wrong performance indication

  • Uvol

    Uvol - 2011-03-21


    Since a certain time the performance of CPU and RAM is displayed incorrectly in TrackNoIr Window. It used to be 5%, and 120 MB respectively, now - 0\0.
    This, seems, does not affect the connection and in-game tracking, but it is seems to be wrong.
    Hardware and software configurations have not been changed.
    Please help

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-03-21

    Hello palermo,

    I have experienced the same: sometimes the CPU and fps display works, sometimes (or on another PC) it does not. I'm afraid I cannot do much about it: it inside the faceAPI. I haven't really figured out when it does work and when not…

  • Uvol

    Uvol - 2011-03-21

    Thanks for reply, Wim
    If it can help, I met this problem after trying to connect to new game using fake trackir protocol. Here the game  .  My attempt was not successful.

    If you find it possible, would like to give you my video from FSX with TrackNoIR. Thank you again for this great add-on.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-03-22

    Hello palermo,

    I have checked out the 3dinstructor link, but must admit that my Romanian is not very good (to be honest, I didn't understand anything of it…). Are you sure this game is trackIR compatible? Is it 'free', so I might try it?

    Thanks for your video. It looks very nice!

  • Uvol

    Uvol - 2011-03-22

    Hello, here their site in English  . As you can see it has feature "trackIr support" . Its payware product,

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-03-22

    Hi palermo,

    I just noticed that… Is there no demo-time, so I could just try it?
    BTW: the site mentions TrackIR support, but not which version is supported…

  • Uvol

    Uvol - 2011-03-22

    I read a forum. Users do not specify trackir model, but some users mention using freetrack.
    Unfortunately there is no demo or  trial for this


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