
No in-game response

  • FreeFan

    FreeFan - 2011-08-03


    First big thanks goes to the developers for creating free tracking software.
    As the topic states I cant get any game to use facetracknoir. I have the faceAPI demo tracking my face and facetracknoir works too, but when in game (ARMA2, IL2, Cliffs of Dover) I cant them to work with the software. I got only Cliffs of Dover to respond in looking suddenly to left. Thats all I got playing with it too many hours yesterday…
    I'm really all out of ideas. The software works and tracks face, but no in-game movement. I read some people have same sort of issue with some games while I cant get any game work.

    I have Win 7 64-bit which may be the source of this problem… ?
    Other relevant specs: Intel dual-core e8400 & logitech quickcam chat for skype.

    Any ideas ?

  • FreeFan

    FreeFan - 2011-08-03

    I have got response ingame after disabling the webcams own software. Got it somewhat working in IL2 and Cliffs of Dover. Arma2 is no go atm… testing continues.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2011-08-03

    Good that you found at least some of your problem.  I don't have those 3 games so I can't really suggest anything that may help you.  But, I believe v4friend should be around soon to try and ask more questions to get to the root of your problems.  Meanwhile, let him know what version of FaceTrackNoIR you are running, cause that might be where a problem may be also.


  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-08-04

    Hi trackfacefan (and thanks Scott),

    'Got it somewhat working' means, that the facetracking works and you have in-game movement? Then you're almost there! Most people who have problems, don't get that far…

    If you are running update 1.5, you must also install the fix for 1.5. You will also need to configure 'start/stop' and 'centre' short-keys, to be able to get the view straight.

    For ArmA 2, you must select the FreeTrack protocol. In ArmA, you must configure FreeTrack as controller and assign movements to the axis. You probably have to disable some other controller(s) too. Best check the Bohemia forum for ArmA.

  • FreeFan

    FreeFan - 2011-08-05

    Thx for replying.
    Yes, I am using 1.5 with fix. And yes I have in-game movement in IL2 and CLOD, although movement is erratic really erratic in CLOD, needs tweaking in config I guess. IL2 works much better than CLOD.
    What's weird in ARMA2 is I can get movement in moving my head forward and backwards but not in any other axis, I'll have to check those ARMA forums.
    Btw, where is the sensitivity setting, as in, to turn my head 15º IRL would result in-game 160º, now I have to turn my head way too much. Do I have to manually edit the config files?
    The online manual is a bit too short and leaves too many open questions for beginners like me, now the useful info is scattered in different forums over the Internet and is hard to come by, a proper manual would definitely save you time and effort answering my kind of beginner questions.

    Thanks again.
    Will be making a small donation shortly.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-08-06

    Hi tracktracefan,

    To change sensitivity, you must edit the Curves. You can use the Big Bluish Button on the Main form, or use the Menu. In the Curves dialog, you can select a tab for rotations or translations. By moving the circular handles, you change in-game response.

    You are right about the manual. However, like a true technician I don't really enjoy making functional specs, but love to implement them…


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