
Is MK2 filter possible in latest Opentrack release?

  • Ivan Friganovic

    Ivan Friganovic - 2015-08-29

    Haven't been able to achieve mk2 stability in new release... not even after 2 hours of fiddling with settings...
    Is it possible to produce mk2 .dll for latest OpenTrack?

    mk2 was heavens... :)

  • Stanisław Halik

    Are you using the 2.3 branch?

    2.3 branch uses Accela mk2 internally, just the function is configured using sliders.

  • Ivan Friganovic

    Ivan Friganovic - 2015-08-30

    Yes, I tried the 2.3 rc17 p2...
    There is this strange jitter when looking in the center and a little bit down...

    I then tried PS3 Eye 320x240 187FPS and it's better, but the feeling is somehow not right...

    Will try to fiddle more... will write here the results...

  • Stanisław Halik

    Fixed in rc19. More mk2 parts ported in.


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