
Disable head movement recognition on the Tobii Eye Tracker 5.

  • Santi-Tetra

    Santi-Tetra - 2020-08-22

    Hi everybody:
    A little over a month ago I purchased a 'Tobii Eye tracking 4C', but, when using the 'FaceTrackNoIR', it showed a conflict with a webcam that I had installed on my PC. This is why I returned the Tobii 4C.
    Now I've bought the 'Tobii Eye Tracker 5' and, hallelujah!!, it doesn't present any conflict with the webcam.
    The software 'FaceTrackNoIR' recognizes the movement of the head and the eyes. However, in the table of curves, only the movement of the head acts but not that of the eyes.
    I suppose it will be a question that you have to implement in a future plug-in. I'm telling you so that you know that this issue happens to me. On the other hand, I don't know if it could be an option that I have either activated or deactivated and that it's an issue that is easy to solve on my part.
    If you need me to attach some images or videos to you, you tell me that I will gladly upload it.
    A greeting!!

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-08-22

    Hello (again),

    You are correct: the coordinates of the gaze are not shown in the curves. Actually, there are no games yet, that actually receive these coordinates and 'do anything' with it.

    So only the headpose which is determined by the Tobii device is manipulated by the curves and then sent to the game.

  • Santi-Tetra

    Santi-Tetra - 2020-08-22

    But then in the near future the 'FaceTrackNoIR' will be able to work with the gaze (with the 'Face Eye Tracker 5', obviously)?


    Last edit: Santi-Tetra 2020-08-22
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-08-23

    How would you define 'work with the gaze'? Do you mean moving the camera, when gazing at some point on the screen, or do you mean 'aim at something with the gaze'?

  • Santi-Tetra

    Santi-Tetra - 2020-08-23

    Your question is very interesting, Wim. I mean the first: moving the camera, when gazing at some point on the screen.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-08-24

    Thanks funny: the first version of the EyeX tracker did something like that. After that, Tobii integrated the headtracking algorithm in the hardware and the gaze-point is not part of it any more...

    Maybe it can be added in the new Tracker 5 version, but I am waiting for the hardware to arrive (and for time to fidlle with it, my boss wants me to work all the time...)

    I'm not complaining though: I am glad I (still) have a job!

    • Clark

      Clark - 2023-01-01

      Is this functionality with the EyeX still supported? I haven't found a way to make it work. All I'm seeing is for the 4C and 5

  • Santi-Tetra

    Santi-Tetra - 2020-08-24

    Thanks to you for everything, Wim. If it weren't for your dedication and determination, we wouldn't be able to enjoy our games with this greater degree of immersion.
    Obviously, there is no rush. You take the time that it requires and the first thing, always always, is the job.
    A greeting.

  • Jordan Cran

    Jordan Cran - 2020-09-07

    I have a Tobii 4C, and find the headpose not reliable enough - the main issue being that when I look left and right, a pitch up or down respectively is produced - this does not happen if I hold the tracker in the middle of my monitor, and the effect reverses when I put it at the top.

    So I want to hookup the gazepoint similar to how the EyeX plugin works, but I can't find their source code.

    I want to write this (a freely contributed tracker plugin or modification to the existing 4C plugin) in my spare time, but would love to use the existing 4C and EyeX plugin code as a starting point.

    I couldn't see it looking through the code on sourceforge's web interface, is it kept externally?


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