
X plane 10 and Facetracknoir 1.7

  • Ironmaiden

    Ironmaiden - 2013-08-28

    Hey V4friend,

    I was using Facetrack 1.7 on X plane 10 64 bit , I had to resinstall Windows 7 and it does not work with XPX. It still works with Arma 2 though.

    Could you please help.


  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-08-29

    Hi IronMaiden,

    Did you also install the update that was released for v170? It installs the 64-bit VCRedist that is required.

    ArmA is 32-bit, so that's the difference.

  • Ironmaiden

    Ironmaiden - 2013-08-29

    Yes I have VCRedist already installed. It used to work on XPX 64 bit before I formatted my system.

  • Stanisław Halik

    What happens when you run Dependency Walker on NPClient64.dll? Are there any non-delay-loaded dependencies missing? Do you get a messagebox with error?

    Do you have NaturalFail FailIR checkbox ticked in X-Plane options?

    • Ironmaiden

      Ironmaiden - 2013-09-01

      It says Errors were detected when run depends on NPclient64.dll.

      I had TrackIR checked in XPX.

  • Stanisław Halik

    Fix the dependency error. Possibly some msvcrt amd64 version missing.

    It shouldn't require non-system msvcrt in the first place but my complaints fall on deaf ears.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-09-03

    Hi Ironmaiden,

    Any details on the error? BTW, make sure to use the right version of Dependency Walker... It too comes in 32 and 64 bit flavours...

    • Ironmaiden

      Ironmaiden - 2013-09-05

      Actually i haven't been able to progress further as the last few days have been tedious at work. I will try it tonight.

      One further question is regarding setting the Curves perfectly with dead zones. I have tried in Arma 2 and sometimes it behaves erratically. Could you help with this too ?

  • Ironmaiden

    Ironmaiden - 2013-09-06

    Activation context generation failed for "d:\abbequerque inc\facetracknoir\NPCLIENT64.DLL". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50727.6195" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.

    This is what I get in the Event Viewer.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-09-06

    Hi Ironmaiden,

    Though the required VC++ runtimes are included in the installer, you seem to miss one. The version number refers to the VS2005 SP1 security update CRT. You can download that here


    Last edit: Wim Vriend 2013-09-06
  • Ironmaiden

    Ironmaiden - 2013-09-07

    I Installed the Security update and dependency walker now does not show any error, but it is still not working in XPX.

    In XPX I have TrackIR selected and in Facetrack also I TrackIR selected. Now do I need the TIRViews.dll ?

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-09-07

    You mean, you have the FreeTrack 2.0 protocol selected?
    No, you don't need TIRViews or dummy TrackIR.exe

  • Ironmaiden

    Ironmaiden - 2013-09-09

    Hey it started working :) and my curves are almost perfect thnx Wim.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2013-09-17

    Always glad to hear someone's happy :-)

  • Ironmaiden

    Ironmaiden - 2014-02-13

    BTW Wim,

    I have this issue. Goes in circles at times or jumps up. Can you help ? I have it running awesomely in X plane 10. But I can not make quick movements.

  • Darrell Edwards

    Darrell Edwards - 2014-03-09

    I'm using x-plane 10, 32bit. I loaded facetracknoir 1.7 and cannot get it to work with XP10. I do get the box that shows head movement and that's working. I can't get it to move xp10 screen. Please help.

    win 7
    NVidia 660 2g Ram
    xplane 10.2

  • Darrell Edwards

    Darrell Edwards - 2014-03-09

    I'm using x-plane 10, 32bit. I loaded facetracknoir 1.7 and cannot get it to work with XP10. I do get the box that shows head movement and that's working. I can't get it to move xp10 screen. Please help.

    win 7
    NVidia 660 2g Ram
    xplane 10.2

  • Stanisław Halik

    What have you tried so far to enable the two applications to communicate?

  • prykpryk

    prykpryk - 2014-06-04

    I had some problems too until I pressed Shift+0 :D


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