
facetracker not working

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  • Tibor

    Tibor - 2011-12-23

    Hello, what can i do with this:

    it is just "tracking"nothing more, its looks like its not "friendly" with my webcam, I have laptop: DELL Latitude E6520

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-12-24

    Hi tibor,

    You can try to run FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe from the installation folder and see if that gives any feedback? It looks like faceAPI cannot find or connect to the web-cam and bails out.

  • Tibor

    Tibor - 2011-12-24

    Error at loading of ippm library

    No DLLs were found in the waterfall procedure

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2011-12-27

    Hi tibor,

    That's strange. Did you install an older version, before v160?
    You must go to Control Panel/Software and remove the 'Intel IPP Runtime' software. Then you must re-install v160 again (that should install the IPP again, with a different parameter).

  • Tibor

    Tibor - 2011-12-27

    Thanks, now it´s working perfcet ;)

  • splund

    splund - 2012-08-15

    Hi, I have the exact same issue. My thoughts were the application is having a problem talking to my inbuilt webcam. I have a Dell XPS 17 i7 laptop

  • emmisofia

    emmisofia - 2012-09-08

    I'm having similar problems at the beginning… But when I open FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe, it just crashes saying something about error code 13.

    Pic of FaceTrackNoIR.exe and FTNoIR_FaceAPI_EXE.exe running, just put them side by side in pic, not actually running them at the same time… Error message is in Finnish and just says it stopped working…

    Is it even possible to get this working with this webcam? It's 2.0M UVC webcam integrated in my Asus laptop. The program v150 just didn't work, complained about missing dll:s.

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2012-09-08

    Hi emmisofia,

    When you un-installed v150, did you also un-install the Intel IPP-runtime? Maybe that's not working correctly.
    You should find it in the Installed Programs.

    If you have removed that, maybe you can try the faceAPI demo first. You have to register, to download it (now worry: it's for free!)

    BTW: Indeed my Finnish is not very up-to-date; I don't understand much from the error-message  :-)

  • emmisofia

    emmisofia - 2012-09-08


    Thank you for responding. I did indeed remove Intel IPP-runtime when deleting v150, shouldn't be that.

    I tried to run FaceAPI demo, but it crashes when selecting camera. Error message this time in English.

    So the problem isn't really on FaceTrackNoIR but in between FaceAPI and most likely my webcam. Thanks for pointing me there, now I know I'm most likely not going to be able to run FaceTrack with my current webcam, and not going to even try before I'm able to try a different one.

    Good to hear it works for many others though. :) Splendid innovation and marvelous for those who can run it, when alternatives are either expensive or rather silly with led light cages around your head…

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2012-09-09

    Hi Emmi,

    That's a bummer! Seems like faceAPI does not like or support your webcam. Are you sure you have the latest drivers?
    Maybe you can borrow another cam to try FaceTrackNoIR?

    If you a planning on some serious gaming, then I would recommend the PS3Eye. It's very cheap and performs pretty well.

  • emmisofia

    emmisofia - 2012-09-09


    Yes, my plan was to borrow a camera from someone and try it out before buying a new one for myself. If I get a camera from supported list to work, then I'll get one of my own, as I'm not in need of webcam other vise. If I get the program to work, PS3Eye or the webcam type I got borrowed seem quite natural choice. :) And yes, I'm into flight sims, moved from civilian sims to Rise of Flight flying online and suddenly I don't have enough hands. And TrackIR is a bit too expensive for this moment.

    I'll post an update when I'll get to trying a different camera, even if the problem isn't indeed in FaceTrackNoIR.

  • Razza

    Razza - 2012-10-09

    Hi all,

    My first post here so the tile thread matches my problem and thought to post here.

    First big thanks for the Facetrack software fantastic!

    I have been using FacetrackNoIR on Windows XP with no problem, was really happy, but now I'm running it in Windows 7 32Bit its doesn't work.

    Please help me get this going again, please!

    My system specs:-

    -Intel Extreme DP45SG M/B
    -Intel Core2Quad 9450
    -Corsair XMS3 4Gig Memory
    -Asus Ati/AMD Radeon 6850 HD

    The camera is a Logitech C300 ……

    Also using FacetrackNoIR 1.60

    Problem is it just doesn't activate the camera or no video capture from camera.

    Please help get this going again many thanks

  • Razza

    Razza - 2012-10-12

    Hi fixed it!

    Simply just followed all the tricks and tips found here and on net!

    So never mind, ignore my previous post above.

    Although some work needs to be added to FacetrackNoIR so its not so painful in setting it up with codec problems etc etc

    Just an install done works!

    I do appreciate this very much thou well done!

    My thanks and hat off to ya!

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2012-10-12

    Hi jet-noise,

    Thanks for your compliments and I'm glad you got it working too!
    Have fun!

  • Luciano Pommella

    Hey there! I got Face Tracking NoIr about a week ago to play Arma 3 with it. It worked right of the bet and I loved it right away, however, last night I installed a new HOTAS joystick and for some bizarre reason, and I the joystick change was the only thing I did different on my machine, it stopped working on Arma. Could it be related? The software still works fine on DCS. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! Luc

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2016-05-06

    Hi Luc,

    Perhaps the HOTAS is somehow configured to control the in-game camera?

  • MickAlbert

    MickAlbert - 2016-07-06


    I have just installed it and when I try to open it nothing happens
    I have tried opening as administrator but that nothing happens ether


    Last edit: MickAlbert 2016-07-06
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2016-07-06

    I assume that you start FaceTrackNoIR using the desktop shortcut?
    Or did you only install the PluginPack?

  • khulaten

    khulaten - 2018-03-24


    im having trouble connecting my camera which is a hp 720p hd monitor webcam. evry time i start the tracker with face api my camera connects and shows my face but dose track my head. i also get a red fps figure on the top right screen of the program. when i first installed it worked fine for the first time but refused second atempt. please advice thank you

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2018-03-26

    Can you post a screenshot of that?

  • Brad pancake

    Brad pancake - 2020-08-09


    Im trying to get facetracking to work but i dont get my webcam to work nor am i getting the choice to change tracker source 1,2,filter,gameprotocol etc. And when im trying to press "start" i get an error telling me "CSV Protocol Error, The file CSV_output.txt could not be written Please check if it is still opened by another program."

    Thanks // William

    UPDATE: i managed to figure it out by downloading the "plugin pack" from the website, Now i have another problem tho, it doesn't detect my webcam even tho its in the list of supported webcams.


    Last edit: Brad pancake 2020-08-09
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2020-08-10

    Hello William,

    Did you check the 'Known Issues' section on the faceAPI tracker page?

  • Charlie Smith

    Charlie Smith - 2021-08-03

    HI there, I just bought and setup face track no ir v200 and the Face Pose App and when i run Face track it picks up everything but doesn't pick up face movements and wont work. I have attached an mp4 below showing what is happening.


    Last edit: Charlie Smith 2021-08-03
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2021-08-03

    Hello Charlie,

    OK, I can see that the USB connection works and that indeed data is transmitted to FaceTrackNoIR. Great!

    Question: have you upgraded FacePoseApp? In demo mode, it only sends 'fixed' numbers across USB.

    I'm not sure, but I think you should also close DroidUSBTester (or IOSUSBTester) when you want to communicate with FaceTrackNoIR.

    • Charlie Smith

      Charlie Smith - 2021-08-03

      If i upgrade the app will those numbers work? If so i will upgrade it. Also with the USB Tester do you want me to shut it entirely or minimize it? Thanks for the help.

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