
Extensoft Screen Capture Filter blocking webcam?

  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-21

    Doe anyone know how to get rid of Extensoft Screen Capture Filter? I think I had installed the program at sometime and subsequently removed it, but it seems to have left something behind which is blocking my webcam.
    I have the PS3-Eye camera installed along with the CL Eye Test driver software, but when I start the latter and then FaceTrackNOIR, it is showing the wwebcam as this Extensoft Screen Capture Filter.
    I have searched everywhere, including the registry, and run CCleaner and Malaware but it still exists and FaceTrackNOIR is not recognising my PS3 Eye camera at all. In the event I can't remove it, Is there anyway to force FaceTrackNOIR to default to a specific webcam?
    I have searched google in relation to this errant software and it seems it could actually be spyware, so am a little concerned.

  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-21

    Further to post above. Just noticed the following inthe 1.7 manual
    Camera Name
    When the tracker is started, or on program startup, the name of the first usable video-input-device is shown by FaceTrackNoIR (Deskshare IP Camera Source in the example below). Unfortunately the non-commercial version of faceAPI (which is used, because it's free...) only uses the first camera it finds.

    Does anyone know, or could find out, how faceAPI determines the first camera it finds and where i might locate this in windows 10 / registry so that I might remove it? This Extensoft Screen Capture Filter is not a camera, is some leftover after uninstalling their screen capture program. I am unable to contact Extensoft as they no longer have support.


    Last edit: StuartH 2017-05-21
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2017-05-21

    Hi Stuart,

    Maybe if you try ManyCam , faceAPI can connect to the webcam through that.
    I have not found another way to work around that issue.

    Of course, removing the Extensoft filter should also be possible?

  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-21

    I had previously tried Manycam before installing my PS3 Eye camera, and it said some other device driver was stopping it working. So not sure if it is a similar issue.
    Anyway, I thought that one needed to run the CL Test program (installed with the CL drivers) for the PS3 Eye to work? Does one need to run both that program and Manycam or can Manycam work on its own with PS3 Eye camera?
    I'll give Manycam another try.

    I would like to remove the Extensoft filter, but can't find it anywhere. Where would FACETRACKNOIR or faceAPI get the text string from?



    Last edit: StuartH 2017-05-21
  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2017-05-21

    No, you should only run one program at a time. If you run both the CLEye Test and FaceTrackNoIR, the last one started will not get camera feed...

    The text string is retrieved from DirectX. So it should normally display "the first" device it finds.
    Unfortunetaly, there is no way to change the order.

    Can you see Extensoft in the Windows Hardware panel? Disabling it will also work.

  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-21

    Win, thanks for your help.
    I don't see Extensoft in the Windows hardware panel or Device Manager, which is why I'm at a loss to remove it.
    However, I installed Manycam, and although the first video input (which doesn't work), if I add a second and select the PS3 Eye then FacetrackNOIR sees it.
    I have added the suggested cleye.config file to the FacetrackNOIR directory, but am still only seeing 30 fps in the preview window and the movement is very stuttered. I am trying to use FacetrackNOIR with FSX and Ezdok. Do you have any suggestions as to which filter etc I should use.
    Also, how does one get TrackIR.exe to start with FacetrackNOIR.?

    Thanks again for your help,

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2017-05-22

    Hello Stuart,

    Can you set fps in manyCam too? If ManyCam gets 30 fps, then of course faceAPI cannot go any faster...

    The default filter (Accella) is fine for most games. You should tweak the curves, because they are quite user-dependant.

    The TrackIR.exe will start (if you check the appropriate checkbox in the FreeTrack protocol settings), after you implement "fix 1" from the download page. Or make sure there are no spaces in the installation path...


    Last edit: Wim Vriend 2017-05-22
  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-22

    Thanks Wim,
    I managed to get FacetrackNOIR seeing the movement but in the sim (fsx) there is alot of flickering that I can't seem to eliminate. Any ideas?
    Also am not sure how to configue Ezdok to work alongside FacetrackNOIR, any ideas, if you are familiar with using the two together.
    I'll look and see whether Manycam has any options to increase the fps, but I don't think so.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-26

    Re my last post above.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to how to resolve FacetrackNOIR flickering / juddering in FSX?


  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2017-05-31

    Hello Stuart, is it possible for you to upload a video showing what you mean by flickering / juddering? Is the flickering because of FramesPerSecond do you think? I cannot quite picture what you may be meaning. FSX is a demanding simulator when graphics are concerned, maybe the problem could be the simulator itself. I cannot remember exactly the last time I got to fly in the simulator, but I wouldn't mind firing it up once more to see if I can figure out what maybe you could do to resolve the situation. It would have to be over the weekend if I get the time though.


  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-31

    Scott, thanks for that. I'll see what I can capture later in the week and post a link.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2017-05-31



  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-31

    It seems my flickering issue is related to running Ezdok EZCA alongside FacetrackNOIR. I am running EZCA v2.5, which still has TrackIR options. I am not sure how to setup EZCA to run alongside FacetrackNOIR, and this could be the problem, or FacetrackNOIR is no longer compatible with EZCA v2.5.

    If I disable EZCA then the flickering goes away. However, I still can't seem to get the curves etc to operate smoothly with minimal head movement, or get it to return to default front view.

    If there is any adviceyoucan give in respect of adjusting curves to enable smooth stable movement or howEZCA should be setup to work with FacetrackNOIR that wouldbe really helpful.

    Many thanks,

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2017-05-31

    Seems to me I have seen that EZCA should work, I could be wrong but I cannot test that part as I do not have EZCA. I think the answer is somewhere in the forum, possibly in the FSX portion of the forum. I can upload my settings for you to try for FSX later this afternoon or tonight when I get a chance.


  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-05-31

    Thanks Scott, a glimpse at your settings may help in my own configuration, if you have the time. I'll ask about EZCA on their forum and browse here too.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2017-06-01

    I was genuinely surprised when I finally got into FSX, as my settings are changed from maybe a year ago. In the screenshot below, you will see the Yaw curves almost in a diagonal straight line, which I have never done before, I almost always have them curved. I had updated my machine a while ago, so that might be why I can run FaceTrackNoIR that way. My machine specs include an AMD Quad-Core 3.70 GHz, 32 GB RAM, and an AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB Video Memory (also a 1100 Watt Power Supply), so I can run FSX pretty well with most graphics In the higher range if I remember right. Anyway, you can start with this setting file and then tweak it to your preferences.


  • StuartH

    StuartH - 2017-06-01

    Many thanks Scott,
    I'll give those curve settings a try.
    I did notice in the ini file that it seemed to suggest the filter you use is EMV...However you screen shot shows the Accel... filter as selected. What filter is best to use with FSX?


  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2017-06-02

    I'm unsure why it has that in the .ini file, but will check it later today. Not sure, but it could be that at one time it is what I used (but that has been years ago), as that was the only Filter available, that I can remember anyways. Maybe the file keeps track of one's settings through the years just in case one would want to use it again. I cannot remember why I started using the Accela filter, but I know it works good for me.



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