
Moving to opentrack from ftnoir

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-09

    Hi, firstly thanks for all your hard work I've been using ftnoir with my sim(il2 cliffs of dover) for over a year with great success! I tried using it with a new sim il2 battle of stalingrad( from makers of rise of flight) and found that there is a bug with the way ftnoir moves around the cockpits in that game.

    You can't move your virtual head up past 80 degrees or so, 90 is not possible. I've been told opentrack works fine with both sims so tried it out today. I got the latest executable and set it up. It's very good but I didn't have the smooth feeling that FTNOIR has, I believe it's down to accela mk2 vs mk4 differences the movement just isn't as smooth... Is there anything you could recommend to solve the jittery movement? I tried all sorts of settings - found the description for mk4 somewhere on github. I know it's supposed to be a superior filter, but from my experience and others that I've read on forums there is a slight jerky movement to it that won't go away.

    I use the same pointracker settings as with FTNOIR.

    Many thanks for your help!



    Last edit: michael illas 2014-06-09
  • Stanisław Halik

    When does the jitter occur?

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-09

    thanks for the quick reply, It's always there, best way to describe is lack of smoothness I guess - rather then jitter. FTNOIR is so much smoother, can't describe it better than that... I could record it perhaps but not sure if I can record it at 60fps. I include my settings from FTNOIR just in case. Do you know of a way to reproduce the same settings from mk2 to mk4? I could test that and report back.

  • Stanisław Halik

    No, it's not possible to express mk2 settings in mk4.

    Note that filter is executed more frequently and exact same settings wouldn't help you anyway.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-10

    Ah, well then I'm snookered:) Is there an earlier release of opentrack that used mk2 perhaps? I can see lots of source code releases, but don't have the foggiest how to compile them pardon my ignorance.

    Failing that, what is the next step? Should I do the videos?

    many thanks!

  • Stanisław Halik

    When I get home will do a test build or few.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-10

    Thank you so much!

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-11

    Hi Stanislaw, did you have any luck with this?

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-11

    Massive improvement! Very smooth now, thank you very much! I still need to finetune the settings but it's almost there.

    There are 2 other things I noticed about opentrack, maybe I'm it's somewhere in the settings.

    1.) When looking left or right more then 90 degrees(Yaw), my head moves along TZ and TX quite a bit as well.

    2.) When looking behind me (Yaw left 170 degrees for instance), I sometimes want to move my head close to the window of the virtual aircraft to see better. So when I look left I would then move my head left(TX) as well -> with FTnoir, this would move my head closer to the left window.(in game it would actually produce a shift to the right as my head was 170 degrees left - basically looking backwards) . The movement was intuitive as that's what you do in real life - you lean and turn your head to the same direction.

    In opentrack I look back 170 left yaw and then have to move my head(TX) to the right to get the same effect. This is a bit counterintuitive... Is there any way around it?

  • Stanisław Halik

    Try today's build. It should be fixed just the same, but with existing functionality not disabled.

    What you describe can be:

    Translation compensation value (on/off)
    Model origin
    Wrong focal length
    Lens distortion

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-11

    Ok I found out what the problem was with my other questions. Enablement has to be ticked off and Disable Z axis compensation has to be ticked on! simple as:)

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-12

    Right so it seems everytime I sort a problem some other bug rears its ugly head:)) I hope this will be my last question to bother you with, thanks for your patience!

    Smoothness of tracking and pose resolving works wonderfully now, except for one tiny problem. This might be a problem with the sim rather then opentrack or ftnoir but I'll take my chances to ask here.

    Sometimes when I look down in the cockpit the tracker puts me in some silly position - like puts random numbers in x,y,z and pitch, roll, yaw. The only way to reverse it is by moving my head down again in a circular pattern (envision a smiley face pattern), that resets it. If i instead try to recentre my view when the vision is screwed up - it recenters it, but results in inverted axis... At which point I have to manually stop and start opentrack again (there is no absolute stop start shortcut, just the pause one)

    This also happens when you look to far back sometimes.

    The other thing I found was that the initial position when I start tracking is always off by some degree, usually it's pitch. So I have to start tracking and then recentre, otherwise it's off.

    I thought it could be something to do with camera angle and model position(the dimensions with the "calibrate" button next to them) but those don't have much effect. Especially the model position doesn't seem to do anything at all.

    Any ideas what might be happening?

    I use a homemade cap, dimensions here:

    many thanks


  • Stanisław Halik

    Either make a different clip or don't look that much down.

    Model position is axis of rotation. It stops translation from interacting with rotation.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-06-13

    That makes sense actually, I've seen the delan clip online for 20 bucks, looks very well built I bet it will react better then my current cap.

    Thanks for explaining the model position that should help.

    many thanks!


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