
possible to move past 90 degrees pitch with opentrack?

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-08-05


    In ftnoir it was possible to set up pitch (Ry) to be 110 degrees. In opentrack it's limited to 90 Degrees. EZCA mode doesn't seem to make any difference. Is there a way to go past 90? Real life head movement goes to 100-110 degrees.



    Last edit: michael illas 2014-08-05
  • Stanisław Halik

    EZCA mode does that as far as FreeTrack 2.0 protocol allows.

    Pilot in his harness over 90? Please elaborate :)

    Likely game itself caps movement to +90 pitch.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-08-06

    Hi Stanislaw,

    It's Cliffs of Dover, the game doesn't cap it to 90 as it works to 110 or more with ftnoir 1.7 - In the PitchUp settings the output allows for a maximum of 180 degrees and the game seems to accept any value.

    My question was if it was possible to enable such a functionality in opentrack as it only allows for a maximum of 90 degrees on the graph. See attached screenshot for comparisons.

    Pilot in harness - yes i take it onbard:) well it depends, the pilots seat is reclined in the bf109 for instance, while not enabling good rear view(sideways) the pilot would have no problems seeing at least 100 degrees upwards relative to the level of the plane. Also tipically flight sims don't tend to model harness, I've noticed this by how far the translation allows you to go.

  • Stanisław Halik

    What the graphs say and what main window says is irrelevant - the function's in the protocol settings so it can't affect the graph anyway.

    When it's confirmed that it doesn't work in-game with checkbox on enable, will look into the matter. Though for now code looks fine with no obvious bugs.

    Harness modelling is a different matter entirely. Still, pilots look sideways and backwards when someone on their six. Same as BMS pilots since 90 pitch limit enforced. Debating this leads nowhere though.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-08-06

    roger, so can I do some videos to test it and show you how it behaves ingame?

    video 1: ftnoir with 110 degrees pitch
    video 2: opentrack with 90 degrees pitch without ezca
    video 3: opentrack with 90 degrees pitch with ezca

    Will that help?


    Last edit: michael illas 2014-08-06
  • Stanisław Halik

    No need for videos. Just a confirmation that checkbox with freetrack 2.0 doesn't work.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-08-09

    Hi Stanislaw,

    so I checked yesterday again. I can confirm that in Il2 Cliffs of dover, using the latest release of opentrack I can't get my pitch past 90 degrees up whether EZCA is enabled or not.

    I can also confirm that it does work to at least to 110 degrees (didn't try a higher value but I'm sure it would be ok as max is 180) with FacetrackNOIR in the same app.

  • michael illas

    michael illas - 2014-08-14

    minibump... have you had a chance to look at this Stanislaw?


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