
Tree [1a6af4] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 FTNoIR_Filter_Accela 2013-01-18 sthalik sthalik [51e1f5] First version of the HT tracker
 FTNoIR_Filter_Base 2012-09-28 v4friend v4friend [d650d5] Modified sendHeadposeToGame, so it also sends r...
 FTNoIR_Filter_EWMA2 2013-01-18 sthalik sthalik [51e1f5] First version of the HT tracker
 FTNoIR_PoseWidget 2011-03-28 v4friend v4friend [aa0e86] Added the display for the output-pose, with the...
 FTNoIR_Protocol_Base 2012-11-16 v4friend v4friend [b823e5] Added registerProtocol and unRegisterProtocol t...
 FTNoIR_Protocol_FG 2013-01-27 v4friend v4friend [0c631d] Added message to main-window, to display connec...
 FTNoIR_Protocol_FSUIPC 2013-02-01 v4friend v4friend [4a1485] Updated to FreeTrack 2.0
 FTNoIR_Protocol_FT 2013-03-29 Wim Vriend Wim Vriend [33e8dc] Merge branch 'hotfix-1.7.1'
 FTNoIR_Protocol_FTN 2012-11-16 v4friend v4friend [b823e5] Added registerProtocol and unRegisterProtocol t...
 FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE 2012-11-16 v4friend v4friend [b823e5] Added registerProtocol and unRegisterProtocol t...
 FTNoIR_Protocol_SC 2013-01-27 v4friend v4friend [01f0dc] Send message to main-window, to display connect...
 FTNoIR_Tracker_Base 2012-11-26 v4friend v4friend [8afb92] Reversed the numTracker tryout to accomodate th...
 FTNoIR_Tracker_FD 2013-01-02 v4friend v4friend [bddccd] Added 'enable axis' parameters to the Trackers....
 FTNoIR_Tracker_HT 2013-02-26 v4friend v4friend [5214a1] Updating before branching. Last revision is v17...
 FTNoIR_Tracker_PT 2013-07-22 c14-radioactive c14-radioactive [1a6af4] Pointtracker: Added camera yaw and roll, Remove...
 FTNoIR_Tracker_SM 2013-01-18 sthalik sthalik [51e1f5] First version of the HT tracker
 FTNoIR_Tracker_UDP 2013-01-18 sthalik sthalik [51e1f5] First version of the HT tracker
 FaceTrackNoIR 2013-03-29 Wim Vriend Wim Vriend [33e8dc] Merge branch 'hotfix-1.7.1'
 FreeTrackClient 2013-02-09 v4friend v4friend [409013] Created a FaceTrackNoIR-version of FreeTrackCli...
 QFunctionConfigurator 2013-03-29 Wim Vriend Wim Vriend [33e8dc] Merge branch 'hotfix-1.7.1'
 bin 2013-03-29 Wim Vriend Wim Vriend [33e8dc] Merge branch 'hotfix-1.7.1'
 dinput 2012-09-24 sthalik sthalik [fc7b24] Add hard-to-find import libraries
 documentation 2010-05-25 v4friend v4friend [4a125e] First release Version 1.0.0 of FaceTrackNoIR
 faceAPI 2013-01-05 v4friend v4friend [49bcf3] Fixed engine-status display when EXIT is done.
 .gitignore 2013-03-29 Wim Vriend Wim Vriend [33e8dc] Merge branch 'hotfix-1.7.1'
 FaceTrackNoIR_vc8.sln 2013-01-20 sthalik sthalik [980a78] Rename the HT file for VC8 to match our .sln/.v...
 FaceTrackNoIR_vc9.sln 2012-09-23 c14-radioactive c14-radioactive [439536] PT: added reference to help
 List of compatible games.xls 2013-02-26 v4friend v4friend [5214a1] Updating before branching. Last revision is v17...
 List of compatible webcams.xls 2012-07-21 v4friend v4friend [802339] BezierConfigurator replaced bt FunctionConfig
 ReadMe.txt 2010-05-25 v4friend v4friend [4a125e] First release Version 1.0.0 of FaceTrackNoIR

Read Me

This project was derived from the 'Sweetspotter' project.

If you want to work with the source code you should use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the Qt 4.6.x or better source code. ( Also it's useful to install the Qt Visual Studio Add-In.

The integration of Qt (LGPL) in Visual Studio must be done manually. See the PDF's in the documentation folder for specific instructions. 

Here are some remarks, which were not mentioned in the PDF's, but have to be followed:
Remark 1: instead of just running "configure" you should run 
"configure -debug-and-release -no-qt3support -no-webkit -platform win32-msvc2008".

Remark 2: in the Qt folders (\src\script\tmp\moc\debug_shared\, src\script\tmp\moc\release_shared\
and src\3rdparty\webkit\WebCore\tmp\moc can be a file called: mocinclude.tmp. Remove these, because "nmake" will fail if you don't.

You need also:
- FaceApi

You need to setup the folders to the binaries and include files in the Visual Studio IDE.

	Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Directories

Example in the standard way:

	Executable Files:
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\API\bin
	Include Files:
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\API\include
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\Wrappers\C++\include
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\Wrappers\Qt\include
		C:\Program Files (x86)\FMOD SoundSystem\FMOD Programmers API Win32\api\inc
	Library Files:
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\Wrappers\Qt\lib
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\Wrappers\C++\lib
		C:\Program Files (x86)\SeeingMachines\FaceTrackingAPI_NC 3.1\API\bin
		C:\Program Files (x86)\FMOD SoundSystem\FMOD Programmers API Win32\api\lib

Best regards,

Wim Vriend.