
fable / News: Recent posts

fable 2.0.0 released

Fable 2.0.0 is released for Linux 64 bit and Python 2.6 and Windows 32 bit (runs on 64 bit) and Python 2.5.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2011-12-21

fable 1.0.0 released

Fable 1.0.0 is now released, just in time for the workshop !

Posted by Andy Gotz 2009-03-28

fable 1.0.0.RC5 released

The fifth release candidate of fable 1.0.0 is now available for downloading.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2009-02-23

imageviewer 2.2.0 released

latest version of fable imageviewer which implements image flipping and abitrary coordinates

Posted by Andy Gotz 2009-01-26

imageviewer 1.4.4 released

Imageviewer 1.4.4 released.

You can consult the help online at :

You can download imageviewer as usual from :

Posted by Andy Gotz 2008-03-21

imageviewer 1.2 released

A new version 1.2 of fable.imageviewer is available for download for windows. The new version has a zooming feature.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-12-02

fable.grainspotter 1.3.1 released

A new version of fable.grainspotter is available for download for windows. This version is compatible with GrainSpotter 0.31. This new version of GrainSpotter outputs the twin pair corrected UB and UBI matrices.

NOTE: Previous versions of GrainSpotter output the uncorrected UB matrix.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-11-12

fable.grainspotter 1.3 released

A new version of fable.grainspotter is available for download. This version is compatible with GrainSpotter 0.3.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-10-26

fabio+ImageD11 for Oct 15th

New versions of ImageD11 and fabio are released today for the October 15th versions.

Feedback in the next two weeks is very welcome!!

Posted by Jonathan Wright 2007-10-15

fable.preprocessor V 1.2

Graphical user interface (GUI) for preprocessing using spd.

Posted by gaelle_suchet 2007-10-15

ImageD11 new release

The 0.9.1 release of ImageD11 is the last to use the Numeric package. It includes a standalone executable for the windows platform made using py2exe. This has also been tested under linux via wine.


Posted by Jonathan Wright 2007-09-06

fable.grainspotter - v1.1

a new version (1.1) of the graphical user interface to grainspotter is available for download

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-08-24


version 1.4.1 including simulation of mosaic spread

Posted by Henning Osholm Sorensen 2007-08-15

fable.grainspotter - windows and linux

fable.grainspotter - the graphical user interface to running grainspotter has been released for Windows and Linux.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-08-04

fable.preprocessor - windows, linux + macosx

The first version of the fable preprocessor graphical user interface has been released for windows, linux and macosx.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-07-31

Spd - win32 + linux version

The windows and linux versions of Spd, required by the preprocessor, are now available for downloading

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-07-29

Grainspotter - redhat version

A binary version of grainspotter for redhat enterprise linux 4 is now available for download.

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-03-15

Grainspotter - win32 version

Grainspotter 0.1 compiled for windows with minGW is ready for download

Posted by Andy Gotz 2007-02-03