
faad2 Merge Request #1: Fix possible out-of-bounds (merged)



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Evgenii Kliuchnikov wants to merge 1 commit from /u/eustas/faac/ to master, 2023-03-29

Depending on build options and stream contents either one or two channels will be used; this change proactively checks that 2 channel slots are available.
Existing code does everything else correctly (i.e. advances slot position by the number of output channels actually used).

Commit Date  
[dcb6ce] (HEADmaster) by Evgenii Kliuchnikov Evgenii Kliuchnikov

Fix possible out-of-bounds

2023-03-29 09:57:57 Tree


  • Fabian Greffrath

    Thanks for your contribution! Please follow the new upstream GIT repository where I have already applied your fix:

  • menno

    menno - 2023-03-29
    • Status: open --> merged

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