

What is the problem?

If you have ezStats installed on a different domain (or subdomain) than your CMS, and you are using the [CMS Plugin], the "detail-popup" may not work. Due to a security policy on the server where ezStats is installed, it blocks the request from the foreign server.

Solution #1

Make sure that ezStats is installed under the same subdomain as your CMS. If the URL of your page is, and the URL of ezStats is, the detail popup do not work.

Jump in the admin panel of ezStats, open the menu "Plugins" and then change the URL, so ezStats has the same subdomain as your CMS: f.e.

Attention: and are also different subdomains!

Solution #2

Download this zip file and extract it. After that, upload the file ".htaccess" to your ezStats-folder.

Solution #3

This discontent can be solved with a simple XML file called "crossdomain.xml", which shall be taken in the root directory of the server where ezStats is installed. The code for the file you'll find below.

The XML file contains a white list. Who shows up here, may access. The commented-out part with the item allow-access-from opens this door to all or specific domains. The asterisk (*) in domain and port is a wild card, thus allowing everyone access. It is better if you fill in domain="" the domain of your CMS.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM 
   <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" />


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