
ezStats3 / Blog: Recent posts

Version 0.92 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! It brings compatibility with the Spring Patch and a fullscreen background!

- added five weapons of Spring Patch
- added Gunmaster awards
- fixed the rank display in the history tab

- added five weapons of Spring Patch

- the background wallpaper in the Standalone Version of the leaderboard is now displayed in fullscreen. No matter which screensize you visitor has, your leaderboard looks great now! :)... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2015-06-06

ezStats3 for Battlefield Hardline

ezStats3 for Battlefield Hardline is out now. You can download it here:

Have fun :)

Posted by ezzemm 2015-04-02

Version 0.91 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! It brings compatibility with the Final Stand DLC, and a new supported CMS

- added vehicle, weapons, assignments and ranks of Final Stand DLC
- added weapons of Final Stand DLC

- added vehicles and weapons of Final Stand DLC

- added support of Bluethrust Clanscript CMS

The stats data could be outdated, even if you make frequent updates. This problem persists until the BF4Stats API offers the possibility of force updates (as it was in BF3). Until then, you can circumvent the problem by opening the BF4Stats page of the player by hand.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-11-23

Version 0.90 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! It brings compatibility with the Dragons Teeth DLC, and some bugfixes.

- added vehicle, weapons, assignments, awards and ranks of Dragons-Teeth-DLC
- added weapons of Dragons-Teeth-DLC

- added vehicles of Second-Assault-DLC
- added vehicles of Naval-Strike-DLC
- added weapons of Dragons-Teeth-DLC
- added comparisation of Kits... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-07-12

Version 0.81 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! It brings compatibility with the Naval Strike DLC, and a fix for the update function.

The new DLC brings new ranks, new weapons, new vehicles, new assignments and new ribbons and medals. ezStats supports those new features!

Under some circumstances, a update of the players had not worked (ERROR: Can not connect to database "XXXXXXXXX"). This problem should be resolved now.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-03-18

Version 0.80 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! With two bugixes and BF4 platoons!

With this release, ezStats can sync your leaderboard with BF4 platoons. And with BF3 platoons as well. At the same time! Great, isn't it? ;)

Since the last days, the error "unknownPlat" occured when updating a player. This problem is fixed.
Under some circumstances, special signs (like cyrillic) were displayed errorneous in the leaderboard. This should be fixed now.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-03-09

Version 0.73 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! It brings compatibility with the Second Assault DLC, and a fix for the history function.

The new DLC brings five new weapons, ten new assignments and each two ribbons and medals. ezStats supports those new features

In the detail popup of each player, there is a history tab (earliest 14 days after installation of ezStats). Under some circumstances, the graphs could look a little weird. This is fixed now.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-02-16

Version 0.72 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! Probably the last before Second Assault comes to us :)

Now you can compare the player of your leaderboard in their skills of weapon categories and vehicle categories! So far, you only could compare a specific weapon or vehicle.

Kamil, Adrien and GreatApo made actualizations of the polish, french and greek translations. Thank you for this! If you see your language isn't completely translated, or missing, please don't be afraid to contact me :)... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-02-06

Version 0.71 is out now!

Up to version 0.4 ezStats used the PHP extension "mysql" to connect to your database. With PHP 5.5 "mysql" is not supported anymore, so ezStats used since version 0.5 the extension "mysqli", which was added in PHP 5.0.
Apparently there are many servers out there, where the extension "mysqli" is not active, even though PHP 5.2 or higher is running. To make sure ezStats is running on these servers again, it looks now whether "mysqli" is loaded and then uses this extension. If this is not the case, "mysql" is used.
If you have no problems in version 0.70 of ezStats, you do not need to install this update.

Posted by ezzemm 2014-01-14

Version 0.70 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! Now with a look into the past!

In the detail popup, you have the new history tab. There, you'll see various graphs, how your stats has progressed by time.
Please note, that the history tab is only displayed if there are enough data to generate the graphs. Fourteen days after you have added a player to the leaderboard, he should have enough data.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-01-14

Version 0.60 is out now!

Hi comrades!

I wish you a happy new year 2014! And this year starts with a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4!

In the detail popup, you have the new assignments tab. There, you'll see all assignments in BF4, if you have accomplished it, and what it takes to got it. Also, you can hide all accomplished assignments to get a better overview, what the next missions are.

In the detail popup, you see now your global position for every weapon, every vehicle and many other stats values. Take a look how good you are, compared to all other players listed at BF4Stats... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2014-01-01

Version 0.50 is out now!

Hi comrades!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas! As a late gift, here is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! In this version, ezStats gets the compare menu!

To compare your own stats with those of your mates is the key functionality of a leaderboard. Now you can compare your stats for every weapon and vehicle in the game!
Also, in any discussion about "who is the better player", it is neccessary to know the stats independent to the time spend in the game. Therefor, the combat stats could be useful to compare.
Are you a "PTFO" player? Then the teamplay stats are useful for you. In this comparisation, there are only values which represents the objective based part of the game.
And, at last, you can look at the favourite game mode, vehicle (category) and weapon (category) of each player.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-12-28

Version 0.40 is out now!

Hi comrades!

Today is sunday, which means there is a new version of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! In this version, ezStats can create signatures for your players in the leaderboard!

To activate the signatures feature, you have to go to Adminpanel->Signatures. Then, don't forget to set up a CronJob which updates the signatures multiple times per day. In the adminpanel, you can change the design of the signatures slightly. I recommend to modify the signature pattern, f.e. with you clan logo. So your players have unique signatures of your clan!
If you open the detail page of a player, you'll find there the new signatures tab too. There are the four signatures of the player with links to embedd the image to a forum.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-12-15

Version 0.32 is out now!

Hi comrades!

I proudly present the new version 0.32 of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! This version completes the Detail Popup. Now I've implemented all stats which are provided by the API. As soon as the API has more informations (f.e. the Assignments) there will be a update :) Also supports ezStats the Dragon Rising DLC.

In the Overview Tab, you'll see int the right bottom corner the date, on which the API has loaded the data from Battlelog.
In the Weapons Tab, there are now the Top-Weapons in four categories! Also, if you click onto a weapons name in the list, a overview with the weapon properties will appear. For example, you can filter for Sniper Rifles, then expand all weapon properties and look for which Rifle seems to be the best!
The Gadget Tab is new. I've decided only to show those gadget, which have stats values. The ones without stats are not interesting in my opinion. It seems Battlelog merges some values, for example ammo-bag and -box, medibag and-box and T-UGS and Motionmines.
The Awards Tab is also new. It brings you informations about all medals and ribbons you've earned.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-12-08

Version 0.31 is out now!

Hi comrades!

The new version today brings no new features, but three bugfixes. These are the changes for the new version 0.31:

The Accuracy in the Weapons Tab was incorrect. I've calculated Kills/Shots instead of Hits/Shots. This is fixed now.

Since a couple of days, there a new ranks (101 - 110). I assume they come officialy with the next DLCs, but some players already reached those new ranks. ezStats supports those ranks now.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-11-26

Version 0.30 is out now!

Hi comrades!

I proudly present the new version 0.30 of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4! This version brings you the new Detail Popup. This Detail Popup isn't completed yet, more features will come soon!

If you click onto a player name in the leaderboard, the detail popup will appear. It brings four tabs.
In the Overview-tab, you see informations about the rank, the skill and the dogtags of the player.
In the Stats-tab you'll see tons of informations like Kits, Gamemodes and all the scores BF4 gains.
In the Vehicles-tab, you'll see on the left side informations about the vehicle categories the player used. Ordered my playtime with it. On the right side you see a table with all vehicles in the game, fully sortable and a lots of information. You can filter this table by the vehicle categories; this filter list is sorted by the playtime too.
In the Weapons-tab, you'll see a table with all weapons in the game, also fully sortable and with a lots of information. You can filter this table by the weapon categories; this filter list is sorted by kills with this category. The weapons-tab will get more features in upcoming versions.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-11-24

Version 0.20 is out now!

Hi comrades!

I proudly present the new version 0.20 of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4!

If you've installed version 0.10 and experience problems with updating/adding players, please try a clean installation (delete the SQL tables or use another Prefix).
Don't forget to perform a update of the players after installing the new version! The players will appear in the leaderboard immediately after updating the stats.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-11-17

Version 0.12 is out now!

Hi comrades!

I proudly present the new version 0.12 of ezStats3 for Battlefield 4!

Some of you had experienced installation problems with version 0.10 under certain SQL configurations. Those problems shoud be fixed.
If you have still problems with this version, please try a clean installation (delete the SQL tables or use another Prefix).

Fixed a problem with adding of XBOX360-players.
Added images for Ranks, Platforms and Countries.
Added new columns: Favourite Kits and Vehicle Categories (enabled by default) and Favourite Weapons and Vehicles (disables by default). Please keep in mind, that you can enable and disable all columns, also change the order of the columns, in Adminpanel->Customize... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-11-16 Labels: release 0.12

Header Image

In ezStats3 you are able to add a image of your Clan f.e. into the header of the leaderboard. And, so I think, this is quite simple.

Here is a manual, in the new Wiki of ezStats3: [Header Image]

Header Image

Posted by ezzemm 2013-11-10

Leaderboard overview

Hi comrades!

Today I want to show you a sneak peek of the leaderboard overview of ezStats for Battlefield 4. As long as the API of isn't released, I do my testings with data from BF3.

Posted by ezzemm 2013-10-13 Labels: leaderboard overview

CMS Plugins

Hi comrades!

About one-third of all ezStats2 installations are using the feature "CMS Plugin", with which you can embedd the leaderboard into your homepage. This is great, because "CMS Plugin" is a unique feature compared to other leaderboard tools.

So, I have a great focus in it in ezStats3 too. In ezStats3, you can use the plugin and the standalone-leaderboard simultaneously! The best of both worlds!... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-09-27 Labels: adminpanel cms plugin

Player Management

Hi comrades!

The work on ezStats3 is ongoing. This is the Player Management in the Adminpanel. Its got a new design is more clearly than in ezStats2. And there is a new feature: you can sync your Leaderboard with your Battlelog Platoons just by clicking the button.

Posted by ezzemm 2013-09-27 Labels: adminpanel player

Lets get started...

The summer is over, Battefield 4 is coming, and I am sitting again on my PC working on ezStats
I have started with the preparations for BF4, and I will raise the version from ezStats2 to ezStats3.

The target of the revision is a higher efficiency. This means a faster Javascript code for loading times, slim DOM plugin to be more compatible with Freehost services and the neccassary time to convert ezStats for another game will be reduced.... read more

Posted by ezzemm 2013-09-12