
extract-xiso with Filezilla

  • mlrtime

    mlrtime - 2005-02-01

    I don't know if this is necessary, but I couldn't get it to work without this mod:

    To get the ftp extract to work with filezilla comment out these lines near line 866

                            else if ( tmp[ 1 ] == ':' ) {                                                                                                                              
                                    int                             i, n;

                                    tmp[ 1 ] = tmp[ 0 ];
                                    tmp[ 0 ] = '/';

                                    for ( i = 2, n = strlen( tmp ); i < n; ++i ) if ( tmp[ i ] == '\\' ) tmp[ i ] = '/';

    • in

      in - 2006-01-28

      This code converts a DOS-style (C:\whatever) path to a UNIX style path for FTP upload.  Works with all dashboards that I know about, which was the intent.  If you need Filezilla support then commenting out these lines is a good fix...


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-11-21

    Hello !
    Can I know how do you use it with filezilla ?


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