

Aliaksandr Autayeu


extJWNL is build using Apache Maven. Download and install it. Then go to the folder where you unpacked extJWNL and execute

mvn install

This will create the artifacts and install them into the local Maven repository. You might want to skip tests if you do not have the test infrastructure configured properly:

mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

If you need also source and Javadoc artifacts created in your local repository, you might want to run

mvn install -P release

This will create the same amount of artifacts as in Maven Central, however, you will need GPG installed, because this profile uses it for signing packages.

Test infrastructure

Some tests do not use anything extra, but some require certain directories, files and databases to be set up. The default configuration files in the repository used during tests include those in extjwnl/src/test/resources and those in extjwnl/src/main/resources/net/sf/extjwnl. They contain references to certain files, folders and databases. By default the following resources are referenced:

  • WordNet 3.0 dictionary files available in extjwnl/data/wn30
  • extjwnl/data/clean folder in existence and empty
  • extjwnl/data/map folder contains WordNet 3.0 files in map format. To create them use bin/dict2map or something like

java net.sf.extjwnl.utilities.DictionaryToMap ./src/main/resources/net/sf/extjwnl/file_properties.xml ./data/map/

  • MySQL running on localhost with database jwnl available to the user root with no password. This database should contain WordNet 3.0. To fill the database use bin/dict2db or something like

java net.sf.extjwnl.utilities.DictionaryToDatabase ./src/main/resources/net/sf/extjwnl/file_properties.xml ../utilities/src/main/sql/create.sql com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost/jwnl?user=root


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