

Aliaksandr Autayeu

To get started,

  • download and install WordNet
  • download extJWNL
  • configure WordNet dictionary files location in src\extjwnl\src\main\resources\net\sf\extjwnl\file_properties.xml. Find in the file this parameter:

    <param name="dictionary_path" value="./data/wn30"/>

and update it so that the value attribute points to the location of dict folder of WordNet. Usually on Windows this should be something like C:\Program Files\WordNet\3.0\dict and on Ubuntu this is usually /usr/share/wordnet/

  • run examples.bat. extJWNL is contains with examples of API use. To see sample output, run:

    bin\examples.bat src\extjwnl\src\main\resources\net\sf\extjwnl\file_properties.xml


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