Scott Sheppard - 2014-08-26

Install plug-in

Exit AutoCAD and install the ExportLMC plug-in if you haven't already.

Set up your drawing in AutoCAD

Create your drawing using any of the supported entities, and move each set of cuts to its own layer. Turn off plotting for any layers you don't want to cut.

Run ExportLMC

The plug-in is available via the Add-ins ribbon menu, and can also be used by calling the command LMCEXP.

You may get a warning if your drawing contains lines with width or thickness. The laser will not cut these lines to their rendered thickness in AutoCAD, and will simply cut them like any zero width line.

Load Process Table

The first time you open the plug-in for a document, you will be asked to select a machine process table. You can use the same files that Laserlink does, simply load up one of the process .DAT files from your installation.

Cut Settings

This menu will allow you to configure the cut settings for each layer in your drawing. You can change the order of cuts with the Move Up and Move Down buttons, and configure kerf offsetting and raster options.

Process Table Database Panel

This panel displays the path of the currently selected process table database.

Selecting Load will allow you to selected a different machine process database for your cut.


This panel allows you to configure settings for kerf offset.

Kerf width is set via a layer's selected machine process, using the Kerf setting. The kerf is measured in inches. Checking the Enabled box in the Kerf panel will cause all cuts to be offset to compensate for laser kerf. The offset direction can be selected using the Inside and Outside radio buttons in this panel

This panel allows you to configure settings for raster filling.

Raster Fill

Checking the Enabled box in the Raster Fill panel will cause SOLID, IMAGE, and HATCH entities (with the SOLID pattern) to be raster filled. This will cause the laser to switch into a high-speed raster mode, best used with etching settings. The entire area enclosed within the selected objects will be etched out in parallel lines by the laser.

The Raster Spacing control in the Raster Fill panel allows you to select the spacing between lines the laser etches, in inches.

This setting can cause overheating of your piece if set too low, and should be used with care.

Process Table

Selecting Edit in the Process panel will allow you to set the current layer's process table from the process table database.

Selecting a process

When you click the Edit button in the Process panel, the process table database will open. This view will allow you to edit the database, select a process for the current layer, and save the database to a .DAT file.

Selecting Add or Remove will append and remove process tables to the database respectively. This allows you to save new settings to the database for future use and remove defective or dangerous settings.

Selecting Save Database will open a file prompt to save the current database to a .DAT file for future use.

Selecting Cancel will close the process table database and leave the current layer's process table setting as it was.

Selecting Select Process will set the current layer's process to the one you've selected in the table and close the process table database.


Selecting Save will open a file dialog to save your exported cuts to an .LMC file.

This file can then be loaded directly into the Metabeam control software, or imported into LaserLink.