
exportGge / News: Recent posts

exportgge 0.931 : bug correction release

-corrects a bug under firefox that needed the content-type set to text/xml in the SOAP response
-some hardcoded url is now dynamic

Posted by Loic Devaux 2009-05-20

exportGge 0.93 released !

exportGge is a php5 plugin for the web mapping software CartoWeb 3.5 that allows exporting data to Google Earth, Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Virtual Earth...
exportGge 0.93 adds support for OpenLayers with SOAP, Google Earth plugin inside the browser , and native google maps API.

Posted by Loic Devaux 2009-05-13

exportGge 0.92 alpha released! Sortie d'exportGge 0.92 alpha

This version adds major new features. Export is not restricted to KML anymore as layers can now be exported to geoRSS and geoJSON. Theses two new formats allow exportGge to visualize data inside Virtual Earth (via geoRSS) and Yahoo Maps (via geoJSON). Data presentation inside Google Maps is now also possible via geoRSS. Check the demo ( ) and make a query to get the links to these different export modes.... read more

Posted by Loic Devaux 2007-10-15

exportGge 0.91 alpha released !

exportGge 0.91 alpha adds google maps support (KML overlay).
It requires mod_rewrite to function.
For now it posts the session_id to google maps so google maps can retrieve the current cartoweb content.
Documentation for installation and customization is available here : .
exportGge 0.91 alpha ajoute le support google maps (KML overlay).
Il necessite mod_rewrite .
Pour l'instant le session_id est posté vers google maps afin que google maps puisse récupérer le contenu courant cartoweb.
La documentation et le guide d'installation est disponible ici: .

Posted by Loic Devaux 2007-08-03