

Mojo Ze Jojo

Welcome to your Exposure Calculator for Android wiki!

I started large format photography a couple of years ago (this is film, not digital). One challenge is to figure out the right exposure (aperture and time) for a given film. The right way would probably be to purchase a lightmeter, but I don't want to do that. I've been using the following approach:
- measure the light of the scene using a digital camera (e.g. Canon 50D or canon G12)
- do some math
- set the aperture and speed on view camera (e.g. Sinar F1 Fomapan BW film 4x5)

This is my first project on android, first project in Java and first project on sourceforge. Given it's a niche of a niche application, I don't want to spend 25$ to post on android market. However, I think the application is cool, it works. So I'm sharing the source (I've not figured out the right license).

Let's leave the default text for the time being...

I should write some documentation.

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