
eXist-db / News: Recent posts

eXist-db 2.2RC2

RC2 contains numerous bug fixes, enhancements and a wide range of performance improvements. The new range index - introduced with RC1 - has seen a lot of real-world testing and bug fixing to make sure it is properly used by queries, so they benefit from the superior performance of this new index.

Check the announcement to learn more.

RC2 is a last test before 2.2 will be released as the next stable version of eXist.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2014-07-24

eXist LTS 2.1.6 released

eXist Solutions GmbH released eXist LTS version 2.1.6. Since the introduction of Long Term Support (LTS) in January 2014 this is already the 6th quality release of cherry-picked improvements and enhancements.

eXist LTS addresses the needs of enterprise-scale users that require a reliable and supported version of the open source version.

eXistdb is a full-fledged NoSQL application server that combines a powerful database with packaged applications, a browser-based IDE and all tools to manage and support the application lifecycle.
Monex Monitoring App New Monitoring and Profiling Interface... read more

Posted by Lars Windauer 2014-07-02 Labels: eXistdb LTS Long Term Support

eXist-db is on GitHub now

The sources of eXist-db are now hosted by GitHub:

The mailinglist and downloads are still available on

For community support go to our documentation pages:

Posted by Dannes Wessels 2014-04-14

eXist-db 2.0 (final) has been released

Exactly one year after the first preview at XML Prague 2012, eXist-db 2.0 has finally been released. Version 2.0 changes the way we look at developing applications in XQuery. Instead of being a monolithic collection of documents and scripts, eXist-db 2.0 provides an ecosystem for modular, self-contained packages and apps, which can be easily passed around or distributed as part of a customized system. eXist-db has thus become more than "just" an XML database, providing the necessary tools to build growingly complex applications. Features like like expath packaging, HTML templating, RestXQ, full XForms 1.1 support, the new dashboard or eXide all play an important role in this bigger picture. eXist-db 2.0 now covers the complete stack of tools needed for building applications that use XML from backend to frontend.... read more

Posted by Dannes Wessels 2013-02-19 Labels: release

eXist-db 2.0 RC2

The second release candidate of version 2.0 of the eXist-db is now available for download.

Posted by Dannes Wessels 2013-01-01

2.0 Release Candidate

A release candidate of version 2.0 of the eXist Open Source Native XML Database is now available for download.

Posted by Dannes Wessels 2012-11-22

eXist-db 1.4.3 released

We are happy to announce the availability of eXist-db release 1.4.3. This version is a maintenance release and contains mainly bug fixes and (stability & performance) improvements.

The software can be downloaded from Sourceforge: . We recommend everybody to upgrade to this latest version.

Kind regards

The eXist-db development team.

Posted by Dannes Wessels 2012-09-13 Labels: release

1.4 Release Candidate

A release candidate of version 1.4 of the eXist Open Source Native XML Database is now available for download. Among other things, this release improves eXist's XQuery processing thanks to a better and more robust handling of in memory documents. It features faster and customizable full text indexing by transparently integrating Lucene into the XQuery engine. eXist now also provides a lightweight URL rewriting and MVC framework (which in part replaces Cocoon), along with support for XProc, XForms and many new XQuery extension modules.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2009-09-09

eXist: 1.2 released

eXist is a native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing, extensions for keyword search, XUpdate support, and tight integration with existing XML development tools.

Please check the announcement here:

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2008-01-16

Preparing for 1.2

The eXist-db project is very alive! Just check our mailing list or visit our IRC server (with Ajax front end). We are making good progress and 1.2 will be released soon (currently developed as 1.1.2dev). The numbers on the XQTS are exciting (99.4% of all tests pass, only 93 fail out of 14544). The upcoming release will be a very good release.

Stay tuned!

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2007-12-12

eXist 1.0/1.1 final

Versions 1.0 and 1.1 are based on the same core, including the storage backend and most of the XQuery engine. However, 1.1 features a brand new indexing scheme at its heart, which represents a major technological switch and removes some limitations eXist had up to this point: in particular, the new indexing scheme drops the previous document size/complexity limits and offers faster node-level updates via XUpdate or XQuery update extensions.... read more

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2006-10-16

eXist 1.0 beta1

This release adds support for XQuery 1.0, including static type checks, modules, constructors, Java binding, dynamic execution, and many extension functions. The new XQueryServlet and XQueryGenerator for Cocoon provide a simple way to write entire Web applications in XQuery. In addition, the release contains many bugfixes, improved locking and caching strategies, and support for binary resources.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2004-02-04

eXist Native XML Database 0.9.2 released

This is the first official release with support for XUpdate. Also, much effort has been invested to ensure that other character encodings than Latin 1 are correctly processed by the database as well as the query engine. This applies in particular to East Asian languages and scripts. Further changes include: important missing parts of the XPath spec have been implemented, more synchronization and database corruption issues have been addressed, interfaces improved, and dozens of bugs fixed.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2003-08-12

0.9.1 released

This is mainly a maintenance release, fixing many bugs found in 0.9, including eof exceptions, out-of-memory errors, and corrupted database files. It also contains further performance optimizations with respect to indexing and querying speed. New features include the highlighting of search terms in query results, simpler database startup, access to index information, new Cocoon examples, and an IzPack-based installer. For a complete list of changes see changes.xml.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2003-04-07

eXist 0.9 is out

Version 0.9 is out! This release fixes some of the remaining weak points of eXist, namely indexing performance and scalability. Storing more than just a few megabytes into a single database collection is no longer a problem, index files consume less disk space and indexing speed improved by an order of magnitude. New features include support for user authentication, access control and basic XInclude on the server. Version 0.9 also includes a lot of bug-fixes.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2003-01-14

eXist 0.8.1

This is a maintenance release which fixes some minor, but annoying bugs found in 0.8.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2002-08-31

eXist 0.8 is out

After some time of lower activity, eXist version 0.8 has been finally released. The most important changes are: eXist may now run either as a stand-alone server process, embedded into an application or in connection with a servlet engine. The XML:DB API implementation supports embedded as well as remote access to the database. Additional changes include a new SOAP interface, WebDAV integration, performance improvements and many bug fixes.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2002-08-06

eXist XML Database 0.7.1 released

eXist is an Open Source native XML database with pluggable storage backends and support for fulltext search. XML is either stored in the internal, native XML-DB or an external RDBMS.

Version 0.7.1 adds new features for fulltext-searching: There's now a near-function for index-based, tolerant queries on phrases and support for regular expressions in search patterns. Some major bugs related to namespace processing have been fixed and a problem in the storage backend resulting in damaged database files has been solved.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2002-01-31

Version 0.6 released

This is mainly a bug fix release (thanks to all who reported bugs). New features include support for the XML:DB XML Database API on the client side. Other major improvements are: character
encodings are now returned correctly and many bugs in the native backend (lost pointers, value-not-found exceptions) have been fixed.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-09-15

V 0.4 with new native backend

Version 0.4 of eXist has been released. Among other improvements it adds support for PostgreSQL and a new native backend which stores data into btrees and sequential files.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-05-19

Version 0.3 with Oracle-support

Version 0.3 has been released, which contains support for MySQL and Oracle as storage-backends plus some speed improvements.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-03-20

Release 2.2.3

Version 2.2.3 has been released, offering major feature enhancments.

Redesigned XPath parser. Major parts of the XPath spec are now implemented.
Loading of documents is about 2x faster. User may specify which element's content should be fulltext-indexed (e.g. for documents containing a lot of numerical data).
Multithreaded server. Improved internal caching.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-02-13

eXist 0.2.2 released

added support for <=, >=, not(). Numerical comparisons are now handled. "*" in path-expressions works as expected.

python interactive client available.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-01-24

eXist 0.2.1 released

Version 0.2.1 contains it's own simple http-server. You don't necessarily need jakarta-tomcat any more.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-01-12

First public release

A first public version of eXist has been released.

Posted by Wolfgang M. Meier 2001-01-09