I am having trouble decoding when the encoded XML has an empty tag.
I am working to a schema that uses empty tags as a sort of Boolean.
The schema calls for a tag like this:
<flag-tag />
When I encode using the qname "flag-tag" and I encode 'start element' followed immediately by 'end element' like this:
I am having trouble decoding when the encoded XML has an empty tag.
I am working to a schema that uses empty tags as a sort of Boolean.
The schema calls for a tag like this:
When I encode using the qname "flag-tag" and I encode 'start element' followed immediately by 'end element' like this:
qname.localName = &ELEM_FLAG_TAG;
TRY_CATCH_ENCODE(serialize.startElement(&exiStream, qname, &valueType));
I get no runtime error, but when I decode I do not get a callback with that element name.
If I set #define DEBUG_GENERATE_XML ON in exipConfig.h I see the empty element as:
but I don't see it in my element callback handler function.
Is there a trick I am missing?
David Ross
Senior Software Developer
Osborne Park, WA 6017 | Australia
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