
ExiFlow / News: Recent posts

Exiflow 0.4.5 released

Exiflow 0.4.5 is out...

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Exiflow provides further support for F-Spot and Gthumb, but may be used with any other viewer as well.

Changes in this version include:
* added a working

* installs in standard paths, no more fiddling with sys.path

* some bug fixes and minor cleanups (pylint).

Posted by Sebastian Berthold 2010-10-28

Exiflow 0.4.4 released

We are proud to announce the release of Exiflow 0.4.4. This version is a bugfix release.

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Exiflow provides further support for F-Spot and Gthumb, but may be used with any other viewer as well.

Changes in this version include:
* added some unit tests

* fix exiftool error detection, making all unit tests pass... read more

Posted by Sebastian Berthold 2010-06-22

Exiflow 0.4.3 released

We are proud to announce the release of Exiflow 0.4.3. This version is a bugfix release.

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Exiflow provides further support for F-Spot and Gthumb, but may be used with any other viewer as well.

Changes in this version include:
* fixes #2691924 - deal with non-utf8 chars in exif data
Try hard to decode EXIF values as UTF-8, current locale, and Latin1.
Don't die if none of these encodings succeed. Instead, use "???".
Thanks to Gilbert Laycock for the patch!... read more

Posted by Sebastian Berthold 2009-05-19

Exiflow 0.4.2 released

We are proud to announce the release of Exiflow 0.4.2. This version is a bugfix release.

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Exiflow provides further support for F-Spot and Gthumb, but may be used with any other viewer as well.

Changes in this version include:
- Fixes #2053225 - exirename bug.
- Several minor bugfixes, see changelog.

Posted by Sebastian Berthold 2008-09-02

ExiFlow 0.4.1 released

We are proud to announce the release of Exiflow 0.4.1. This version is a bugfix release.

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Exiflow provides further support for F-Spot and Gthumb, but may be used with any other viewer as well.

Changes in this version include:
- Fixes #2017186 - wrong indentation in the default settings.cfg file.
- Several minor bugfixes, see changelog.

Posted by Sebastian Berthold 2008-07-29

ExiFlow has it's own domain - and added bonus

We have just moved our web site to a dedicated server. While it was interesting to be able to host Mediawiki (which is the software running our homepage) on the Sourceforge server, users had to experience a very bad server performance.

While we were at it, we decided to register a second level domain for the project. is now the primary web site. Please bookmark your updates!

Wanting to provide a german version of the web site, we also connected for future translation. If your primary language is german, you will want to bookmark this URL to get the german version once it is ready.

Posted by Ulf Rompe 2008-06-04

ExiFlow 0.4.0 released

We are proud to announce the release of Exiflow 0.4.0. This version is considered stable.

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Exiflow provides further support for F-Spot and Gthumb, but may be used with any other viewer as well.

Changes in this version include:

- Several bugfixes, see changelog.
- File names may optionally contain the time in addition to the date.
- Don't use hardcoded python2.4. Any Python 2.4 or better will do.

Posted by Ulf Rompe 2008-04-08

ExiFlow 0.3.0 released

We are proud to announce the release of our second public alpha. Please test the hell out of it.

Exiflow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

Changes in this version include:

- Many bugfixes
- Added exiconvert to convert raw images to jpeg
- Add --batch to exigui to start a batch run from exiimport to exigate
- Code cleanups

Posted by Ulf Rompe 2006-07-05

ExiFlow 0.2.0 released

Silently and unnoticed by most of you, ExiFlow 0.2.0 was released as a public alpha on March 08, 2006. After doing some productive work using this version we are now announcing the release to the public.

For those who don't know it yet (means: nearly everyone), ExiFlow is a set of tools (command line and GUI) to provide a complete digital photo workflow for Unixes. They are written in Python.

You are invited to test the software and ask for enhancements. If you want to do us a favor, please report bugs if you find some. Besides that, keep in mind that it is an alpha version, which means that you should back up your photos in order to feed them to our tools.... read more

Posted by Ulf Rompe 2006-03-22

ExiFlow uses Subversion and enters Alpha phase

ExiFlow now uses Subversion for version controlling. You might already know about the benefits of using Subversion, so I will confine myself to telling you that's just good news.

Just another good news is that we completed a first (more or less) working version of ExiGui, the graphical frontend to out tool collection. We decided to call the current state "Alpha" and will release a file set including RPM and .deb packages within a week. Watch out, maybe that first release will even feature a README file so that you will actually know what kind of stuff we are doing here!

Posted by Ulf Rompe 2006-02-25