
complex charge density integration

  • Anton

    Anton - 2008-07-15

    Dear Exciting developers!

    I got stuck with the following problem: I want to directly check the orthogonality and normalization of Kohn-Sham
    orbitals (before doing more complicated stuff), i.e. I want to evaluate the following integral
    <psi_{nk}|psi_{n'k'}>. First I construct the complex charge
    density by vnlrho and then I integrate it over primitive cell by zfint for any combination of n n' k k':

    do ik=1,nkptnr                                                                                                                                 
    ! generate wave-functions at k                                                                                                                   
        call getevecfv(vklnr(1,ik),vgklnr(:,:,ik),evecfv)                                                                                            
        call getevecsv(vklnr(1,ik),evecsv)                                                                                                           
        call match(ngknr(ik),gkcnr(:,ik),tpgkcnr(:,:,ik),sfacgknr(:,:,ik),apwalm)                                                                    
        call genwfsv(.false.,ngknr(ik),igkignr(:,ik),evalsv(1,1),apwalm,evecfv, &                                                                    
        do jk=ik,nkptnr                                                                                                                              
    ! generate wave-functions at k'                                                                                                                  
          call getevecfv(vklnr(1,jk),vgklnr(:,:,jk),evecfv)                                                                                          
          call getevecsv(vklnr(1,jk),evecsv)                                                                                                         
          call match(ngknr(jk),gkcnr(:,jk),tpgkcnr(:,:,jk),sfacgknr(:,:,jk),apwalm)                                                                  
          call genwfsv(.false.,ngknr(jk),igkignr(:,jk),evalsv(1,1),apwalm,evecfv, &                                                                  
          do i=1,nstsv                                                                                                                               
            do j=1,nstsv                          
              call vnlrho(.true.,wfmt1(:,:,:,:,i),wfmt2(:,:,:,:,j),wfir1(:,:,i), &                                                                  

    For k=k' I get the expected \delta_{nn'} relation. For k!=k' I should get zeroes for any combination of n,n' but
    I get anything in the interval 0.0~0.9 Right now I have only one explanation: the phase exp^{ikr} is not correctly
    handled. Any your help or advise is kindly appreciated. 

    BTW, I'm doing this for the simple BCC Lithium without symmetry.

    With best regards,

    • Anton

      Anton - 2008-07-16

      The problem was in mathematics: the integral <psi_{nk}|psi_{n'k'> is evaluated over whole macro-crystal, not over primitive cell. Using Bloch theorem it's easy to show that <psi_{nk}|psi_{n'k'>_{over V} = \sum_{R}exp^{i{k'-k}R}<psi_{nk}|psi_{n'k'>_{over V0} and the orthogonality comes from \sum_{R}exp^{i{k'-k}R}. The integral <psi_{nk}|psi_{n'k'>_{over V0} makes no sense - it's an arbitrary complex number.

      Good luck.

      • exciting

        exciting - 2008-09-30

        Hi Anton,

        The second-variational wavefunctions are orthogonal when integrated over the unit cell. I'm not sure why you're not getting delta_ij. Have you made any progress?


    • Anton

      Anton - 2008-09-30

      Hi Kay.
      yes, everything is ok with orthonormality. For a given k-point I got \delta_{ij} relation. I didn't check spin-polarized cases (collinear and non-collinear) but I'm pretty sure that they are fine too. As I mentioned before, for k!=k' the orthogonality comes from mathematics.

      Best regards,


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