
STM images and Band structure plot

  • Souraya  Goumri-Said

    Dear Exciting code users,
    I have two questions in plotting

    1) band structure with the files resullts : BAND.OUT and BANDLINES.OUT

    2) STM images : how we can visulaize the STM images, I have seen a cript stm2d.general, but I do not how to use it ?

    Thank's for your help;


    • Bultmark

      Bultmark - 2008-09-26


      BAND.OUT and BANDLINES.OUT are ready to be plotted by for example xmgrace. The scripts for plotting 2 and 3 dimensional quantities such as the STM image included in the examples are for OpenDX. You can of course use any plotting tool you like, but you might have to reorganize your data.

      good luck with your plotting


    • Arles Gil Rebaza

      Hi, i did a program in matlab to visualize the STM imagen, it read the file STM.OUT

      If you are interested write me...!!!


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