
MPI parallelization

  • asubedi

    asubedi - 2008-10-10

    Hi all,

    Searching the forum archives, it looks like people were working on MPI version of exciting. Can it be downloaded?


    • andrei

      andrei - 2008-10-14

      Hi Alaska,

      I modified Exciting code at version 0.9.151 to use both MPI and OpenMP parallelism. The parallelism is coarse-grained only, i.e over k-points; the fine-grained ScaLAPACK version turned out to scale very poorly over the number of processors.

      I can email you the code if you are interested. Please keep in mind that I compiled it under Windows without using makefile and using Intel's MKL libraries. If you are using a different platform, you will have to figure out your ways. The code is not "beautified" in any way, however I tried to keep the modifications minimal. Also, it will take me some time to update the latest version 0.9.218.


    • asubedi

      asubedi - 2008-10-14

      Hi Andrei,

      I will greatly appreciate if you email me the code at asubedi*AT*gmail*DOT*com. I use Intel libraries in linux. Hopefully, it will compile.


    • asubedi

      asubedi - 2008-10-24

      Hi all,

      I got mpi parallelization for ground state working for v218. To get it working, I copied bunch of stuff from git mpi branch. When number of kpoints is greater than number of processors, mpi version is phenomenally faster. As a test, I compared runs using OpenMP version in 1 quad core node (= four threads) and using mpi in 4 quad nodes (= 16 processors) . The mpi version was around 15 times faster. MPI version seems to scale linearly up to 9 quad nodes (= 36 processors). (Haven't tested more than that, so it's not an upper limit.)

      I guess other people will find mpi version quite useful, especially for big calculations. I do not have web space that is accessible from outside the lab, but I could put it up in the git archive if someone lets me and tells me how to do it.


      • Anton

        Anton - 2008-10-24

        Hi Alaska!
        If you are looking for a place to upload code, you could try

        BTW, the most efficient and easy-to-implement parallelization would be MPI+OpenMP where MPI is used for main k-point loop and OpenMP - to setup and diagonalize Hamiltonian matrix with the use of threaded Lapack. MPI for k-point loop scales almost linearly.
        But very often one has more processors than k-points and fine OpenMP parallelization could be helpful.

        Good luck,

    • Varadharajan Srinivasan


      I would like to use the MPI parallel version of exciting. Where can I download it?

      Vardha Srinivasan.

    • xue_bin wu

      xue_bin wu - 2008-11-02

      Dear Andrei
        I see you have successfully complied a parallel exciting, I will greatly appreciate if you email me( your exciting code ? i use intel MKL and OPENMP. Or can you teach me something about how to complie a parallel exciting coede?
        Thank you very much!
      Best regards!

      • andrei

        andrei - 2008-11-05


        I tried emailing you but got the following error message in reply:

        ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <>
            (reason: 550 <>: Recipient address rejected: no such user here (eyou mta))

           ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to
        >>> DATA
        <<< 550 <>: Recipient address rejected: no such user here (eyou mta) 550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown <<< 554 Error: no valid recipients


        • Varadharajan Srinivasan

          Hi Andrei,

          I was looking for the MPI parallel version of exciting too. Could you also email me a copy of your code?

          Thanking you

          Vardha Srinivasan.

    • xue_bin wu

      xue_bin wu - 2008-11-09

      Dear Andrei
        I am deeply sorry that i had made a mistake in my email adress, the right adress is
      ( or, i am so sorry about my mistake! Could you email me the code again and teach me something about how to complie to MPI exciting ?

        Thank you very much!
      Best regards!

    • Vei WANG

      Vei WANG - 2008-12-15

      Dear Andrei
      I am looking for the MPI parallel version of exciting too. Could you also email me a copy of your code?

      Thanking you
      best wishes

      Wei wang

    • Anton

      Anton - 2009-01-07

      Dear Exciting users!
      MPI version of exciting-0.9.224 is available here:
      with small explanations here:
      This is coarse grain k-point loop parallelization.



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