I am a new user to exciting and I am having trouble trying to run my first example script for Al. I have gotten past some startup errors but I am currently stuck at this error:
At line 19 of file putevecfv.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of record
It seems to almost start the 1st iteration but then stops at this. Can anyone help me with this error? I am not sure what I need to do to get past this error. Thank you very much.
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Are you running the canned example that comes with the distribution?
What is your exciting.in?
Are you dangerously close to exhausting disk-space? No reason why a write would prematurely fail with tested software otherwise (barring bugs and bad input options).
-- Manoj
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I had to slightly adjust the canned example to remove all comment lines starting with "!" and also change the sspath. Other than that, I ran the exciting.in file as is.
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I am testing this code on a Dell Pentium 4 3.2GHz with 1 GB of RAM which is currently installed with Fedora Core 4. I am using the gfortran compiler that came with Fedora Core 4. I wanted to test a few things of the program before installing it on our local cluster. Will this combination work?
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It looks like you may be using a buggy version of GFortran (the early versions were a bit buggy). I've just compiled EXCITING with GFortran version 4.2.1 and the examples work fine.
You should therefore upgrade your Linux system to a more recent version.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I am a new user to exciting and I am having trouble trying to run my first example script for Al. I have gotten past some startup errors but I am currently stuck at this error:
At line 19 of file putevecfv.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of record
It seems to almost start the 1st iteration but then stops at this. Can anyone help me with this error? I am not sure what I need to do to get past this error. Thank you very much.
Are you running the canned example that comes with the distribution?
What is your exciting.in?
Are you dangerously close to exhausting disk-space? No reason why a write would prematurely fail with tested software otherwise (barring bugs and bad input options).
-- Manoj
I had to slightly adjust the canned example to remove all comment lines starting with "!" and also change the sspath. Other than that, I ran the exciting.in file as is.
That's very strange, what system and compiler are you using?
I am testing this code on a Dell Pentium 4 3.2GHz with 1 GB of RAM which is currently installed with Fedora Core 4. I am using the gfortran compiler that came with Fedora Core 4. I wanted to test a few things of the program before installing it on our local cluster. Will this combination work?
It looks like you may be using a buggy version of GFortran (the early versions were a bit buggy). I've just compiled EXCITING with GFortran version 4.2.1 and the examples work fine.
You should therefore upgrade your Linux system to a more recent version.
Yep, you were right. I compiled EXCITING with GFortran 4.2.1 and it worked perfectly. Thank you for the suggestion. Now on to the science!
Thanks again!