
ExcelPython: Running python script by running macro/clicking button in Excel

  • Derp McGerk

    Derp McGerk - 2015-04-27

    I am familiar with VBA, but new at Python. I wrote a program that counts how many characters there are in a bunch of text files, and inserts these figures into specified cells on whichever Excel file is currently open. The main element of the code is:

    with open(active_file, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
    linestring = str(line)
    if linestring.startswith (tuple(ignore_string)):
    line =
    lines_ignored += 1
    chars_ignored += len(linestring)
    print "String ignored (%d characters):\n%s" % (chars_ignored, linestring)
    num_chars += len(line)

    The script works fine when I run it from my text editor (Sublime). the next step is to create a button in my spreadsheet that runs the python code, thus filling out the spreadsheet with the required info (the value of num_chars).

    I am really struggling with the tutorials on how to use ExcelPython. I got it working (ie, typing ?Py.Str(Py.Eval("1+2")) in locals returns "3"), but I don't know how to code a macro that runs my .py file.

    ?Py.Str(Py.Module("my programs name")) returns the expected text: <module "prog name" from "directory"

    ?Py.Call(Py.Str(Py.Module("my programs name"))) returns a run-time error (-2147467259 (80004005) ) with a lot of information. Before I go on typing down all the information, can anybody tell me how to run my python program from Excel?

    Thanks :)

  • Eric Reynolds

    Eric Reynolds - 2015-04-27

    Hi Derp,

    You could try using the ExcelPython add-in. That basically writes the VBA wrapper code, which can be quite complicated, for you.

    BTW are you following the tutorials on GitHub? Getting started with the ExcelPython add-in is probably what you need.

    As an alternative you might also consider xlwings, which is technically a bit simpler than ExcelPython and may be easier for you to get started with. With xlwings too you can set up a button in Excel to call a Python script.




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