Activity for ExcelMVC

  • Peter Gu committed [70180d]

    Moved release notes to Docs

  • Peter Gu committed [f28acd]

    Updated Release Notes

  • Peter Gu committed [2296d5]

    Added Release Notes

  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [4fcdde]

    Updated Forbes DNA project with 1.5.2 package

  • Peter Gu committed [ad27c5]

    more bug fixes for Async update with DNA addin

  • Peter Gu committed [c003df]

    Fixed type discovery bug. found a typeof(ISessi...

  • Peter Gu committed [b3f4cf]

    Updated NuGet package to 1.5.2

  • Peter Gu committed [f02a7f]

    Removed clear range on 0 rows / columns

  • Peter Gu committed [b525cf]

    Changed how Async update is done. More testing ...

  • Peter Gu committed [503de5]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [ad685d]

    Corrected spelling of my own name :-)

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm modified a wiki page


  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • Peter Gu committed [4f1dac]

    Added Getting Started pdf

  • Peter Gu committed [3a8a08]

    Added "Getting Started with ExcelMVC.mht"

  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • Peter Gu Peter Gu modified a wiki page


  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [328118]

    Updated NuGet package spec to 1.5.1

  • Peter Gu committed [78a333]

    Disable Optimize option to enable debugging

  • Peter Gu committed [0b6ab5]

    Fixed Build.cmd errors

  • Peter Gu committed [14581f]

    Completed Getting Started doc

  • Peter Gu committed [3b538e]

    Removed unwanted build configuration from Forbe...

  • Peter Gu committed [39cef4]

    Fixed IsDynamic logic in ObjectFactory (was not...

  • Peter Gu committed [3914ee]

    Updated Forbes Sample by removing ExcelMVC depe...

  • Peter Gu committed [4ac2d6]

    Updated Forbes Sample by removing ExcelMVC depe...

  • Peter Gu committed [ef4b10]

    Fixed Spot Trading Solution (remove 3.5, 4.0, e...

  • Peter Gu committed [5a4f19]

    Updated NuGet package to 1.4.9

  • Peter Gu committed [bb3bb3]

    Merged clean and package to Build.cmd

  • Peter Gu committed [8a6ad1]

    Fixed/Simplified Forbes.Application.DNA project

  • Peter Gu committed [fd6879]

    Changed Sample.sln to Forbes.sln and replaced E...

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [1bba61]

    Renamed folder binn to bin in Package.cmd

  • Peter Gu committed [009b46]

    Fixed typos in Getting Started doc

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [72b7d5]

    Edited getting started doc, committed NuGet-ins...

  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [3d8b03]

    Updated Gettting Started doc

  • Peter Gu committed [d4445e]

    Changed SpotTrading Sample to use NuGet package

  • Peter Gu committed [84da76]

    Updated NuGet spec to 1.4.8

  • Peter Gu committed [dfa7d6]

    Updated Getting Started Doc

  • Peter Gu committed [253b01]

    Fixed bug when an ExcelMVC workbook is reopened.

  • Peter Gu committed [a3c4d7]

    Minor update to getting started doc

  • Peter Gu committed [c1c25b]

    Restored ViewEventArgs.Cancel() for backward co...

  • Peter Gu committed [7f6e5c]

    Fixed issues with opening ExcelMvc.Addin.xll mu...

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [7fffa4]

    Some typos in getting started doc.

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [b9ec80]

    Enabled NuGet symbol package creation, included...

  • Peter Gu committed [64008c]

    Updated the Getting Started Doc

  • Peter Gu committed [fc29c1]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [5a5960]

    Removed initialization this[0].NameLike = "*" i...

  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [8173b1]

    Updated NuGet spec to 1.4.7

  • Peter Gu committed [4fe79b]

    Changed Run.cmd to start Excel in separate inst...

  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [451103]

    Minor fixes to the cmd files

  • Peter Gu committed [10e85d]

    Updated NuGet package spec to 1.4.6

  • Peter Gu committed [6fee54]

    WIP: Updated Getting Started

  • Peter Gu committed [945f84]

    Removed ExcelMVC dependencies from ICommand cla...

  • Peter Gu committed [f8e0d6]

    Added ClickedOption to be swapped with Caption ...

  • Peter Gu committed [9421b2]

    Updated Sample Trading to match the Getting Sta...

  • Peter Gu committed [9b5018]

    WIP: Updated Getting Started

  • Peter Gu committed [79e190]

    Updated Clean.cmd to leave NuGet package fold i...

  • Peter Gu committed [4f2947]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Peter Gu committed [60132c]

    Updated Getting started doc

  • Peter Gu committed [74be55]

    Updated Getting started doc

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm committed [33d2be]

    Some minor tweaks in getting started doc

  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [af9a43]

    Updated Getting started doc

  • Peter Gu committed [33a2e2]

    WIP:Added Getting started doc

  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [c8af3f]

    Updated Clean.cmd

  • ExcelMVC ExcelMVC released /

  • Peter Gu committed [5aeda2]

    Updated Clean.cmd

  • Peter Gu committed [4c7278]

    Added Build command file

  • Peter Gu committed [143415]

    Added Build command file

  • Peter Gu committed [98661a]

    Added Clean.cmd

  • Peter Gu committed [e1e974]

    Fixed StyleCop complaints and internalise Excel...

  • Peter Gu committed [eda582]

    Added View.DetachModel method to allow a view m...

  • Peter Gu committed [961378]

    Updated project files

  • Peter Gu committed [b3bec0]

    Added IsOrderingAllowed to View Table. Default ...

  • Peter Gu committed [35a7f3]

    Completed the sample trading application

  • Peter Gu committed [db8f54]

    Updated Table and Form classes

  • Peter Gu committed [eb17d7]

    Updated Sample Trading Applications. Needs to i...

  • Peter Gu committed [ee09e9]

    Changed RangeUpdator.NameOfAsynUpdateThread to ...

  • Peter Gu committed [226c01]

    Completed Sample Trading application. Needs Con...

  • Peter Gu committed [2b27dd]

    Implemented UI context post on MainWindow

  • Peter Gu committed [9c087e]

    Minor update on CommandShape

  • Peter Gu committed [e308bc]

    Updated sample trading application

  • Peter Gu committed [2923c9]

    Wrap Command.Model clicked with ExecuteBinding.

  • Peter Gu committed [1977a0]

    WIP : Trading Sample

  • Peter Gu committed [9310ea]

    WIP : Trading Sample

  • Peter Gu committed [58e710]

    WIP : Trading Sample

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm modified a wiki page

    Design Excel worksheets

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm modified a wiki page

    Design Excel worksheets

  • Wolfgang Stamm Wolfgang Stamm modified a wiki page

    Design Excel worksheets

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