
Excel2FV / News: Recent posts

LCL File Support

Development is underway to add binary local (LCL) file support to Excel2FV. Initial capability will include the ability to open a local point database (LPT) and optionally specify groups of points to export. More capability may be added depending on user requirements. Release date for the initial capability is unannounced, but expected in the immediate term.

Posted by Dion Houston Sr. 2011-06-09

Excel2FV - 5 May Release!

This announces the release of the 5 May 11 version of Excel2FV. This incorporates some more fixes of the infamous "provider" error, as well as restoring overlay resets for FV 4.2+. Official site is still:

But this release is also available under files. Let me know about any issues!


Posted by Dion Houston Sr. 2011-05-06