
#1 PC sending glitch



I've come across a glitch where, if i send PC# 1 it is fine, but if i send CC# 1 it will send that as well as PC#1, this seems to be the same accross Note#, PitchBend and all that, if i send CC#2 then it will also send PC#2

I back dated to 2.4 and the issue is there as well.

I use Bome MIDI to see this error.

Just thought i'd let you know :)


  • Rui Seixas Monteiro

    Hi Thomas,

    For each line on the Sequencer it's defined a Channel and a Program, so, for each line the respective Program is set before sending any Note or CC command. The PC that you are seeing is the one setting the Program before sending CC or PitchBend...

    Here is the input of MIDI-OX

     0002AACC   1  --     F8    --    --   --  ---  Timing Clock          
     0002AACC   1  --     C0    01    --    1  ---  PC: Brite Acc. Piano  
     0002AACC   1  --     B0    01    02    1  ---  CC: Modulation        
     0002AACC   1  --     C0    02    --    1  ---  PC: Elec Grand Piano  
     0002AACC   1  --     B0    02    02    1  ---  CC: Breath            
     0002AACC   1  --     C0    03    --    1  ---  PC: Honky-Tonk Piano  
     0002AACC   1  --     B0    0B    02    1  ---  CC: Expression        
     0002AAD7   1  --     F8    --    --   --  ---  Timing Clock   

    As you can see, before each CC command there is one PC command concerning the respective Program defined in the Sequence Sheet line.

    Here is the respective data on the Excel:

    Description Device  Channel Program Type    Number
    Control Change  2   1   1   CC  1
    Control Change  2   1   2   CC  2
    Control Change  2   1   3   CC  11

    If one given CC is sending commands for the wrong instrument PC, just make sure that you type the right Program number on the respective Excel line.

    Hope it answered your question.



    Last edit: Rui Seixas Monteiro 2018-12-23
  • Thomas Bensley

    Thomas Bensley - 2018-12-23

    Ahh yes, I understand now, is there a way to stop this from sending ? as i use it to control devices, and if it sends the PC# it will confuse the device

    • Rui Seixas Monteiro

      Ok, I don't see how it confuses your device but nevertheless I updated the file to do just what you want. You only need to let the cell empty for the Program in order to no Program command be sent for that line.

      So in this way:

      Version 2.5.1
          Allows Blank Cells on the Channel Column for the reuse of the same Channel of the last previous enabled Device
          Allows Blank Cells on the Program Column for the reuse of the same Program of the last previous enabled Device

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