
Evolutif Audio Engine / News: Recent posts

Evolutif 0.5 beta released

At last, the first beta version of Evolutif is available! It's based on a new source line and target line model which allows you easily connect objects to each other and control the flow of audio data. Support for connecting audio channels individually instead of on a per-object basis has also been implemented. Other highlights include several new classes such as EvoInputDevice which you can use to collect data from an input device such as a line-in or microphone and EvoFilterKernel which makes it easy to construct filter kernels for digital signal processing. We've also written several sample programs which will be available along with corresponding tutorials within the next few days. Check the documentation section on the web site for these updates soon!

Posted by Judah Menter 2003-05-31

Evolutif beta

The first beta version of Evolutif is expected to be complete within the next few days! We have added several new classes to extend the functionality including a new SourceLine and TargetLine model which allows you to connect any channel on a source object to any channel on a target object. We've also fixed several bugs in the alpha version and written several test programs to try out.

Posted by Judah Menter 2003-05-27