


If you have read our very first blog post, you may already know that this project was initially funded by a client who hired us to customize the vnc client for them. Of course, this method won't last for long once they get all the required features they need.

We would like to welcome anyone who wish to support our Enhanced Vnc Thumbnail Viewer Open Source Software Development to donate some money to us. However, due to the complexity of this world and the word "donation", currently, we will accept the donation by selling our software to you. To support us, please visit this page:

There, you can choose the price you would like or feel comfortable to pay for our software. The payment method can be either by PayPal or Credit Card. The receipt will be sent to you via email at the address you enter in the payment form.

However, we are still looking for other ways to accept donation of this kind. We don't feel safe yet to use the Donate button from PayPal after a number of negative news about PayPal and Open Source software developers who accept donation (such as TortoiseSVN). Therefore, you could expect the donation method might be changed later.

Last but not least, as this is Open Source software which is free as in freedom (not in beer), I won't blame you if you don't support us by donating money. At least, you use it, you already help us spreading the words!

Thank you very much.

Chaitat Pi