


Welcome to evilrpg!

Evilrpg is a portable game management system designed around table-top RPGs. Evilrpg's intention is to minimize paperwork by managing character sheets and GM assets internally, and allowing for an environment where each player can be sitting at home or gathered around a table together with tablets and the occasional laptop. Initial work will be with the Pathfinder RPG (because that's what I play and that's where I'll spend the majority of my time tweaking things), but is designed to be game-agnostic - meaning with a little effort, any other gaming system can be added in.

Evilrpg is licensed under the BSD license, which means you are free to do whatever you want with it (as long as you also comply with Paizo's community license if you continue to use any of their content). Evilrpg also supports plugins, which can be under any license at all (including commercial), with the caveat that you must also comply with Paizo's community license if you use any community package assets in your plugin.


The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Members:


Wiki: Architecture