
Site launch

Evil Car PC has been launched!

The current subversion repository has been submitted to sourceforge to incorporate (and take over). When it has been finished, it will be available under the code->subversion tab.

Currently, the project has a configuration utility that enables/disables any properly compiled plugin, as well as a basic idea for the core framework. I expect to have a usable framework done by the end of next week, if not earlier.

Note that this does not mean that evilcpc is usable. A framework without plugins is not very useful. Some basic plugin stubs have been included in the svn repository, but as they are stubs, they don't actually do anything.

Feel free to contribute your own plugins. Submit them as patches to the tracker. If they are tested as workable, they will be added to the download section.

Posted by KShots 2007-04-26

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