
Evil Car PC / News: Recent posts

Development documentation released

Just released the development documentation. You can find it on the wiki at Enjoy :)

Posted by KShots 2007-08-28

RC-2 released

Released RC-2 last night. Changes are in the changes log for any that are interested...

The plugin interface changed slightly to firmly and permanently eliminate the full-screen widget bug from the plugin architecture. Basically, any time a QWidget is being generated, it will NOT have a parent. Having a parent causes that parent to show through the background. Also changed the mixer interface to enforce a standard interface for the most common mixer functions (volume, bass, treble, etc).... read more

Posted by KShots 2007-08-26

Release of RC-1

Release candidate 1 is available for download. This includes the core, the configuration utility, and the plugin interface.

For the most part, at this point the plugin interface is frozen. I intend to populate the sf wiki with documentation on developing plugins throughout the week. The only reason I won't fully commit to freezing the interface just yet is because I have not put out a full release - this is release candidate 1. I'm looking for people to discover problems and report them at this point.... read more

Posted by KShots 2007-08-18


Well, it's been a long while since I've posted anything. I've been busy juggling quite a few things around. Bottom line, though...

Configuration utility - finished
Plugin interface - finished
Core - Working out one remaining bug where the menu plugin at full-screen is still visible when a menu item plugin goes full-screen (the menu item has a transparent background and the layout doesn't stretch it across the screen).... read more

Posted by KShots 2007-08-17

Core is operational!

The core has been made operational. This means that the core will load all plugins selected from the selection utility, connect all selected input plugin's signals to the selected menu's slots, and pass all selected menu item plugins to the menu widget to handle.

Does this mean that you can start using evilcpc? No. Until there is at least one menu plugin and at least one menu item plugin, it's not all that useful... but this development allows developers to easily develop and test plugins :)

Posted by KShots 2007-04-27

Site launch

Evil Car PC has been launched!

The current subversion repository has been submitted to sourceforge to incorporate (and take over). When it has been finished, it will be available under the code->subversion tab.

Currently, the project has a configuration utility that enables/disables any properly compiled plugin, as well as a basic idea for the core framework. I expect to have a usable framework done by the end of next week, if not earlier.... read more

Posted by KShots 2007-04-26