
EVESkillCheck / News: Recent posts

Release 0.4.2

2009-02-03 fluxkompensator <>

* Release version 0.4.2
* Bugfixes:
- Character portrait is not reset on error anymore.
- Tooltip only retains previous skill learning info on error.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2009-02-03

Release 0.4.1

2009-01-28 fluxkompensator <>

* Release version 0.4.1
* Features:
- Previous info about character is still shown in tooltip in case of
- In case of network failure, the applet will pick up polling the
server again once the network is back up.
* Bugfixes:
- There was an old timeout variable in Core which could lead to an
exception in some situations.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2009-01-29

Release 0.4.0

- Portraits are now cached on local machine to be used in case of unavailable image server.
- Dropped unnecessary accuracy in seconds from training time left and skill level is now shown in Roman numbers.
- No preferences anymore for intervals due to honouring cachedUntil reported by API server.

- Make network socket error visible to user when checking fails.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-12-03

Release 0.3.1

* Features:
- Slightly reduced server load due to implemented caching.
- Tooltip shows Tranquility status like time, online players and if it the server is open.
- Context menu contains an update item to show the same behaviour as if the applet was left-clicked.
- Slightly different handling of skill not being trained and skill finished training while eveskillcheck was running.

* Bugfixes:
- Hopefully the applet now really shows the same time left for skill learning as if in the game.... read more

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-11-27

Release 0.3.0

* Release version 0.30
* Features:
- Implemented callbacks from GConf for non-profile data like intervals and active profile ID.
- Using a GConf scheme for default values.
* Bugfixes:
- Removed genuine threading as PyGTK doesn't seem to handle it well in the GNOME panel; using gobject.idle_add again.
- Multiple profile support did not keep its state on panel restart, so
a better integration into the panel's way of things was required.
- Ships with updated eveapi which became non-functional after (buggy?) update of character data (certificates) in Quantum Rise.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-11-15

Release 0.2.4

- Threading business didn't work properly, resulting in skill-training-finished-dialog blocking the whole applet.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-11-06

Release 0.2.3

* Release version 0.2.3
* Bugfixes:
- Interval timeouts sometimes stopped.
- Watch cursor was still shown when properties dialogue was X'ed.
- Bias in order to be closer to actual finishing time was faulty when skill had been finished.
* Usability:
- Retrieval of character portrait does not block display of other info.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-11-06

Release 0.2.1

* Release version 0.2.1
* Features:
- Applet shows a watch cursor when it is busy retrieving data from the network.
- Applet remembers previously active profiles when being closed by user or panel restart.
* Bugfix:
- Character info (i.e. balance) was not updated properly.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-11-01

Release 0.2.0

* Release version 0.2.0
* Features:
- GNOME applet with multi-account support.
- Command-line version for quick polling.

Posted by fluxkompensator 2008-10-23