
GUI EverCrack v1.3.2 Released

The focus of this release has primarily been improving
the stability of EverCrack.
A primary problem is the format of the input. Given
the plethora of cipher classes, I want EverCrack to be able to handle whatever is input for cracking whether the output is garbage or not [even the garbage is valid output].
Previously, EverCrack would crash if a transposition
cipher was fed a substitution cipher [with non-alpha
characters] or if the kernel was fed a multiliteral without
converting to uniliteral format [this latter is interesting to
try since it does output valid decodes - albeit garbage].
Try opening multi1.txt and then pressing Crack
without converting to uniliteral form - it takes about 8
seconds but produces what is valid according to the

Posted by Cory Michael McKenna 2005-08-05

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