

Input Output

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This section highlights the multiple input and output formats compatible with Eventer;

Input Output Figure
Eventer analysis (.evt) Eventer analysis (.evt) BMP (24-bit) (.bmp)
ACQ4 binary (hdf5) files (.ma) ephysIO HDF5/MATLAB binary files (.phy) PNG (24-bit) (.png)
Axon binary files 1 and 2 (.abf) Axon binary files v1.83 (.abf, integer-type) TIFF (24-bit, not compressed) (.tif)
Axograph binary file (.axgx, .axgd) stimfit HDF5 binary files (.h5) TIFF (24-bit, LZW compressed) (.tif)
CED Signal binary files (.cfs) Axon text files (.atf) EMF Windows metafile (.emf)
CED Spike2 binary files (.smr) Comma-separated values ASCII text files (.csv) EPS Encapsulated postscript level 3 (colour) (.eps)
ephysIO HDF5/MATLAB binary files (.phy) Igor text files (.itx, .awav) SVG Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
HEKA PatchMaster,Pulse and ChartMaster binary files (.dat) Tab-delimited ASCII text files (.asc) MATLAB figure (.fig)
Igor Packed experiment binary files (.pxp) Tab-delimited ASCII text files (.txt)
GINJ2 MATLAB binary files (.mat)
PackIO binary files (.paq)
LabVIEW Signal Express TDMS binary files (.tdms)
Stimfit binary (hdf5) files (.h5)
WinEDR binary file (.EDR)
WaveSurfer binary (hdf5) files (.h5)
WinWCP binary file (.wcp)
Neurodata without borders binary (HDF5) file v2 (.nwb)
Axon text files (.atf)
Comma-separated values text files (.csv)
Igor text files (.itx, .awav)
Tab-delimited text files (.txt)
Igor binary wave files (.ibw, .bwav)

Eventer can both automatically unzip and export files with GNU zip compression, thus allowing easier handling of larger datasets. However, this option is unavailable for the following exceptions:
● The ephysIO file format (.phy), the native Matlab 7.3 (HDF5) data format of Eventer. It is a compact binary format.
● Eventer analysis.evt files contain analysis settings for a particular dataset. Loading an analysis.evt file loads all files and settings saved from an analysis using Eventer. Note that the analysis.evt file is saved together with a human readable filepaths.txt file. Both of these files are required to reload an analysis. Analysis.evt and filepaths.txt cannot be loaded if they are compressed.
● Presets files are matlab scripts (.m) that contain only generic analysis settings. Loading a presets script loads only settings (not files).