
EuCANOOP / News: Recent posts

Version 4 folders

Two library files (io.e & sequence.e) uploaded 07/01/2019; both are still in development but have various useful methods already.

Also added are two demo files illustrating the facilities in these additional libraries; also three (very simple) examples of "Hello" programs, to show different approaches to writing OOP code.

More examples to follow.

Posted by Charles Newbould 2019-01-07


EuCANOOP Version 3.0.0
This is the November 2009 version of the EuCANOOP (Eu[phoria] CAN [do] OOP) library. It can be used by standard Euphoria (from RDS) or Open Euphoria.

The modifications since EuCANOOP Version 2 (deposited in the Euphoria Archive in November 2008) can be studied by referring to EuCANOOP.e.html in the "Docs" folder in this distribution.

The root folder contains the base library (EuCANOOP.e) and a number of others which illustrate the development of Classes within the schema.... read more

Posted by Charles Newbould 2012-06-15

"IO" library

An example of using EuCANOOP operationally has now been added.

The "IO" library provides a basis for writing console-based programs.

Library documentation is provided.

An example of using the library is included as a simple illustration.

Posted by Charles Newbould 2008-11-09


Zip file of documentation (html format) now available.

Posted by Charles Newbould 2008-11-09

EuCANOOP: Release of Version 2

Library EuCANOOP.e available for download.

"Eu[phoria] CAN [do] OOP". OOP programming in Euphoria is not built into the language, yet it is simple to realise and easy to apply. EuCANOOP provides a OOP functionality with just nine routines. There are no operating systems limitations.

Posted by Charles Newbould 2008-11-06